(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ensireka wrote:

The fact that Alpha 2's ore plots are 'large enough' is like saying 1 bite of your favorite food is enough ...

If you mine on a fresh ore spot on alpha2 you will have work there with 3-5 HM mk2 for more than an hour.
A single Bot will stay there half a day.
That is far more than "Just a bite".
I guess your problem are the squattered spots near Terminal.


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ore plots on alpha2 are large enough unless you come there with 10 HM mk2 with maxed EP.

Why explosin damage means you are no longer save is obvious. And I see no need to introduce better assignments on alpha island.


(18 replies, posted in Balancing)

Indeed everybody has nowadays EP for Vel Nexus, but you cannot fit it without costs.
EG tackler with Nexus has strong limits on other fit, nexus as well costs you energy, there are several bots not beeing able to fit/use masking and nexus together, so oyu have to choose.

With this argument, we could remove weapons from equipment, as every Kain/Artemis/Tyrannos has them equipped and you cannot enter Pvp without having at least one bot with them fitted.

The Navigation extension was something complete different, as it had only few EP spend and no other side effects.

Those ideas are good, but atm I see demob still the most useful ewar in PvP. So before strengthen that field, we should talk about the other ewar/enwar bots.

The small size together with good masking would make this very handy to sneak in enemy bases.

Ensireka wrote:

Just fyi, I was on Gamma with my recycling maxed.  So, please tell me what I'm doing wrong ...

The mechanic for facilities uses diminishing returns, the the worse the facility the more important are good extensions, the better the facility the less important are extensions. Same is for relation etc.

It is important that even maxed recycling on best facility provides less material, than needed to produce on best facility to ensure no one can create mats by produce ->  recycle -> produce


(1 replies, posted in Bugs)

Would you prefer having bugs reported here in forum instead of tickets?

I just wonder, as I detected I missed recently the third birthday of my still open ticket, that some MG ammo on red alpha islands has higher NPC-Price than on other islands which is confirmed unintended, but never changed.

While several tickets are fast processed, other seems to get missed.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

24h afk mining with more than 3 mil EP provides still more than EP Booster (instead of 0). Doing same with new agent should provide something like 4k/h or almost 100k/day I learned.


(5 replies, posted in Bugs)

You see gamma base names of hidden bases only when you have not only docking rights, but also building rights.
I put this in ticket several years ago and devs considered this as how it should be.


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

I do not ask to revert patch totally, but I would have liked a "smoother" approach.
You get too much EP compared to EP Booster. EVerybody using EP-Booster the last 6 month will feel waste of money. This is not good to bring activity back. But the more crititcal point ism that this is not helping in bringing trust back from your veterans


(112 replies, posted in Balancing)

if you are able to gain within a week the 3 Mil EP that took other player not only 5 years, but also hundreds of $$, this will have a drastic efffect.

Please do a n emergency hotfix for the EP patch now, not this evening, not monday. You get  by far too much EP, 125.000 EP in less than 12h is the highest number Ive heard, but I see smaller numbers that were still factors higher than it should

Leary wrote:

It's not like Steam sale is gonna change something.
Players that don't know Perpetuum yet don't give a *** about a new patch.

There is nobody online to tell new players that "not everyone uses general chat but don't worry, it's populated enough" which help a bit to keep them playing for more than a few hours.

This, and as long as almost no veteran is willing to spend some time in the game, this will not change.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

I think we have a lot good ideas in this thread how to solve this problem.
My favorite would be Jitas idea of deleting locations after 28 days, but even a reroll every 1st of a month would be acceptable.

I just like to see a solution as the ticket is now older than 6 month.


(28 replies, posted in Bugs)

Gamma is one of the things that make this game better than similar games.

I think that idea with EP gain can be setup good, or bad into game.

One important reason for me to join this game, was that the EP system allows me as player with a life out of game to compete with player that have no other life than sitting in game on EP level. I don't care about 10-20% difference, but you know why there are so many games, were you could buy maxed level chars.

I don't like the idea, that the new system this might allow new player to control HM MK2 in the first week, as there would be no reward left in the second week playing, not to speak about second month.

But I fight since introduction of "Log-in-EP" for some more need to get the EP, than just 5 second login

It has just to be assured, that it is not frustrating for one side, eg ensure that one h of activity a day gives more EP than just 1% of daily progress, on the other hand side I would not like if someone doing 1 week activity  had after this week more EP than someone buying booster for 2 month after those two month without activity (thats ~130k).


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

The point is that you already get free lunch on alpha.  No need to get everything for free on beta/gamma.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

If the update would be daily, there would be no reason to use some effort reaching a spot not easy to reach. Eg. kill some NPCs or if you would need to terraform to get there. As even if you have 2 spots hard to reach on an island your fine digging for the other 8.

But if a spot is unable to reach, there needs a corrective measure within say less than 4 weeks.


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)



(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

I am against daily update. But if the only solution is to reset artifact locations, I would recommend to do this 1-2 times a month unless there are more positions where you can have artifacts being really unreachable (aka non Terraform Zone on Gamma in combination with Terrain beeing blocked for all bots.


(12 replies, posted in Bugs)

I have an artifact in unreachable position on Kraslovsk and reported it already in ticket system real long ago, would like to know, if you could fix it soon.


(36 replies, posted in Q & A)

Crepitus wrote:

I've seen a number that look scripted where 6+ similar names log in at the exact same time to the second. I see a lot of people log in and immediately out again just to keep the EP coming without actively playing at all. I wonder if the graphs count those or if they have to be logged in for a certain amount or time or what.

That graph shows the number of logged agent over time scale.
So there is no difference in scale between 10 agents beeing logged in 24h or if every second 1 agent logs in, stays 10 seconds and log out but nobody stays longer. In both cases the shown population would be 10 over time while in fact it would need 60x60x24=86,400 different agents loggin in each day for the second.

I requested long ago, tht you should get EP only for doing something active in game for at least once a week.
It is very easy to see, that we have several hundred player not beeing active in game but just getting Ep at least once a week


(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have contradictional oppinion to you Celebro. So in the end it was a situation like many other when every reaction of Devs was wrong for some and important for others.

I have no clue if this is due to the reduced number of machines or an effect due to something else but Lag is getting an ugly problem.
Please do me a favor and insert 10 CTs in a terminal and start production to learn what I'm talking about.
See also
http://forums.perpetuum-online.com/topi … neral-lag/


(102 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well if you talk about miner you can take a new account without DLC and fit Riv full T4 fit in first week with ~30% minerals/h compared to full fledged veteran. For one this sounds bad, for me this sounds good.

Take DLC into account and you could field Riv MK2 with skills that allow you to compete with veteran.

For Pvp you need to always differentiate. Is it 1vs1 or group vs group.
For 1vs1 it depends strongly on role. Masking eg is expensive. Mask is a lot about survive a gang on island after your 1vs1 but beeing active masking is a draw back during the fight.

Shield is also expensive, but again, shield is more important in group fight or for ewar (or to bring castel mk2 back home alive)

If you just field assault vs assault, the difference of all damage extensions at 8 vs all at 10 is not the thing that decides who will win battle. In no case


(7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

I'm against one central market. There is no reason for faction based ores if you could buy/sell them

BTW market would be far better if there would be a chance to spark from gamma to alpha and back