I want to just thank you to all of you here and there!
I enjoyed most of the time I was here!
I was Inda!
UI.: Official server is shutting down Jan. 25. RIP
https://community.sequer.nl/ (for whom still don't know)
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Inda
I want to just thank you to all of you here and there!
I enjoyed most of the time I was here!
I was Inda!
UI.: Official server is shutting down Jan. 25. RIP
https://community.sequer.nl/ (for whom still don't know)
Thank you guys the lots of interests! Ist really amazing to see how this works out, I should say the team we are working is really promising!
Many works done at the backgrounds, news soon!
Some of Dedicated Community member will continue to make some changes!
If you like PLAYING Perpetuum dont go too far.
Perpetuum Community Project will be in action!
Even further let me hear you what changes you would like, there is plenty of channels you can join or find us,
here in the forums, discord, personal e-mails, such, if you have any questions find me anywehere.
Drizden come to join the community in Discord if you can!
Good to hear about you!
And while there were always little details to complain about, the overall experience from End of 2010 to today was always better than 95% of other games I tried in between.
I need to quote this.
I am proud to be Hungarian!
I think I already showed a love towards this game, just two words THANK YOU! One of my best experience in my gaming history.
PS. Now Project Perpetuum starts!
I am in good idea!
Is it possible for someone to make an archive version of the killboard of what we have right now at least even if we cant bring back the full thing?
I am reading through killmail comments and there is a level of cancerous gold that EVE online can't even provide, that must not go to waste!
Make some screenshot about your stats guys!
No one is going to buy the game because zoom is never going to sell. Maybe they will default on loans and the game will have to be sold but if they can manage it they will keep the game going even if not a single new player joins in a year
Why would you do that? Without anyone to play its a bit pointless to sustain(The servers not that cheap). Also they would need to do something thats my opinion, dont really need to sell, but change some strategy, or get a partner or so.
-insult removed -
Recognizer is Anni? to be clear.
WHERE: 1st locatin for 1 hour Tellesis, a bit further from Terminal.
2nd attempt at Domhalarn, close to ICS B.
Em, I do hope you mean June
For sure sorry.
Ville wrote:He hasn't pissed off peanut yet.
I thought Inda said there was going to be an announcement or something soon.
Who ?
Hello everyone!
Lets make an event to celebrate/wave Perp-kill!
Any suggestions is welcome.
TIME: June 24. 22:00 (Server time) first 1 hour counts (and then until the end.)
I think what used to have MASS (lets lastMASS) is a good stuff, lets bring anything and kill the most people in 1 hour timeframe, when its finished we will count the kills. Feel free to help and contribute.
WHERE: 1st locatin for 1 hour Tellesis, a bit further from Terminal.
2nd attempt at Domhalarn, close to ICS B.
Thank you Mitix!
Inda wrote:As I saw, Albion, Crowfall get a good amount of support.
So I think Perpetuum 2.0 will be also a viable option financially but you need to make a really good crowfounding campaign. if you are planning smaller than those ones. So if somebody feel the power or energy to try to make that happens that would be the best about this game (but have to owns the rights if the DEVS dont want to continue). I would really support that one, if that is not happens the plan B is there what Null mentioned. So we will try to sustain and tweak, and lets see how far we can get as a cumminty. (And I would support plan B for 2 year max then over.)
albion and crowfall have over 100,000 players......perp would be lucky to get 100 maybe 200 but that's stretching it a bit
Seems like you guys didnt get the point here.
I meant after we/they make a crowfounding campaing, and a plan to the future, they would get some good amount of attention, and money! This is what I think. Its not that much, because this is Sci-fi not Fantasy or another reason.
As I saw, Albion, Crowfall get a good amount of support.
So I think Perpetuum 2.0 will be also a viable option financially but you need to make a really good crowfounding campaign. if you are planning smaller than those ones. So if somebody feel the power or energy to try to make that happens that would be the best about this game (but have to owns the rights if the DEVS dont want to continue). I would really support that one, if that is not happens the plan B is there what Null mentioned. So we will try to sustain and tweak, and lets see how far we can get as a cumminty. (And I would support plan B for 2 year max then over.)
Is this just some last ditch effort/dream or is this a realistic thing that Inda has been discussing with the Dev team (since he is a neighbor of theirs)? 0.o
If so, I hope he (or someone else) has a realistic plan for taking over this game. It has great potential, but it takes more then just the money from a dozen fans to make a good idea turn into reality. You need someone with a business head, someone with project management skills and someone with SW development experience to assess this. Setting up a kickstarter project would be a good way for you to get 1. your plan communicated to potential funders, 2. goals set and tracked for this endeavor 3. visibility beyond the 10 (am I generous) players still afk mining in game and a bunch of us forum trolls.
This game was created over many years and with the tireless efforts of a dedicated group of devs. Even their love of this project could not get this game to where it should be. I can guarantee those guys at one point, eat, slept, lived and $h!t this game, so I do not think a few guys throwing money and maybe spending some spare time to 'code' stuff is going to get anything of value done.
I want something good to happen to, but right now we sound like a bunch of kids dreaming of when we become adults.
Inda wrote:SUPPORTERS:
We should meet a cooms meeting what these guys would like to see to change for good to the game.
And me, can support with some time as programmer(PhD).
That Would be amazing Broker! Good to know!
Line/Doom Beamer
I am pretty sure many many more!
We should meet a cooms meeting what these guys would like to see to change for good to the game.
Actually, all together we can get some money and buy out the game, then develop it as we want and as fast as we can afford, hiring developers or participating personally, whatever
I am in it something like this!!!
Wanna make Perp great again?
Get a no non-sense millionaire/thousandaire to buy the franchise (how much can Perp get on the market?) and drain the swamp.
The Swamp being the current owners/coders.
Otherwise this will remain a part time gig for a couple Hungarians and a few dozen fanbois.
Hey Mongolia! Good to see you.
Lets theorycrafting!
July 17 is getting closer! Im looking forward to getting a little game time
Also full loot PvP whats not to love
I heard something is bad there also. Whats the news? (And waht about Crowfall do you guys testing that?)
Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Inda
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