It is almost no question whether or not more cargo capacity will be added. There are too many requests to simply skip these.

Your argument of big freighters taking away the possibilities away from newbies is similar to those of miners. The heavy miner bots can mine more and faster than a light bot ever can. In conclusion there shouldn't be any chance for newbies to make profit from mining. But as it turns out, there are chances simply because the demand is high enough.

A separate logistics branch would even allow to add a light transport bot with some 40U capacity. Only then you could increase the EP-requirements for the Sequer so that a freighter job has its advantages.

It simply depends on the market. As no one knows what the market needs / can support in the future, the industry and logistics branch should be split so future changes are easier to do.

Annihilator wrote:

if heavy mech, its industrial robot control 8...

If the game is all about specialisation, then why do transport bots need industrial robot control? Why not add a logistic robot control branch? As it is now, miners and harvesters have the advantage of being able to control transport bots for "free". This would give the opportunity to add both ideas (trailers & big hauler).

Arga wrote: … censes.ars

Summary: Guy has Autocad software he bought from archeticture firm that went out of business, wants to resell it on Ebay. Autocad EULA says that the software can't be resold.

"We hold today that a software user is a licensee rather than an owner of a copy where the copyright owner (1) specifies that the user is granted a license; (2) significantly restricts the user’s ability to transfer the software; and (3) imposes notable use restrictions."

Based on the fact that Autocad had the limitation in the EULA, the federal court ruled in favor of the EULA and prevented this guy from selling the software.

EDIT: This is what Warwick was referring to.

Well, what usually is done in this case is to create a new company. The only purpose of that company is to hold the license. And when you want to sell the software, you sell the company with its licenses/software.


(114 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

Mark Zima .. kudos to you for taking the time to implement such a great tool!
As the game will develop/change over time, maybe you should ask the devs to give you access to an xml file containing all the items and their stats. This might save you the hassle to manually update the database of your planner.


(56 replies, posted in General discussion)

Darkwing wrote:

If you mine the expensive stuff you can trade part of it for cheap stuff and you will get more of it per time unit spent than if you had mined it directly.

Your counter argument is valid to some degree, but: What keeps you from sending your first miner to one location and the second to another? You also introduce two new thoughts against multiple accounts:
1) Expensive/rare materials are mined more than it was actually planned which negates the plan for them to be rare (harder to get).
2) With two miners you mine more per time than one with a single account ever can. This makes resources even cheaper and thus harder for newcomers to make an acceptable profit.

Well I guess it is a question of how you want to balance the game/playerbase.


(56 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

The game was not designed to learn all skills, you have to specialize. Just like in real life you won't get to see a scientist commando economist.

Maybe not with one account, but you can get pretty close if you have multiple accounts. Allowing multiboxing has an even higher impact than introducing an EP-increase scroll. Why would I want to use the market if I can use my alt miners to gather the required resources?