For it to be great "again" it would have had to have been great to begin with
I mean just look at the steam graphs a player peak of 11 in the last 24 hours rofl
Thats actually pretty good...
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Rowboat
For it to be great "again" it would have had to have been great to begin with
I mean just look at the steam graphs a player peak of 11 in the last 24 hours rofl
Thats actually pretty good...
See you guys are trying to get new players to come in, but I would much rather old players come back...
No, you wouldn't.
More to the point has anyone heard a word from zoom?
I think the only way to salvage this game is to shut it down. upgrade the graphics , repackage it, add a *** load of content and start over. It is a great game, but lets face the fact boys its over. I personally had a lot of fun met a lot of great people and a few bad ones, however as the game currently stands its not worth going back to.
Like i said, perpetuum has run its course and the only way forward is 2.0.
Didn't peanut offer him a sum of money?
Note that i started playing in 2015, someone said green bots were OP at one point in time and not talking about the ictus.
Rowboat wrote:So, Eve is dying now?
Everyone knows "EVE is dying" is an overused dying meme on Reddit!
But is it perp dead?
So, Eve is dying now?
Seriously though, with the current game do you think history wouldn't repeat itself? How many great suggestions came from people desperately trying to keep the game alive? A reboot would wipe the slate and allow them to start over. They already have a great foundation. All they would have to do is tweak it here and there. I think we can all agree something drastic needs to change, however i believe the current game doesn't warrant fighting for. Since i didn't like it when soldiers complain and dont have any corrections to help the situation here are mine:
1) Missions, holy *** *** you made one of the only group activities obsolete which made me play by myself.
2) Beacons, Zoom if you actually went out and ran enough beacons to unlock anything on the corp tree you're a lying
*** piece of ***. The new system is pure cancer.
3) Lock Beta missions(Field Terminals) to station owners, but allow people to run missions out of Terminals i.e. ICSB.
4) Gives people a reason to live on gamma you buffed beta so much its not worth living in gamma.
5) Diminishing returns: Great idea, however poor execution take this out until you can find a true balance.
6) More PvE. I think we can all agree PvE keeps noobs and vets into the game while not pvping.
More to the point has anyone heard a word from zoom?
I think the only way to salvage this game is to shut it down. upgrade the graphics , repackage it, add a *** load of content and start over. It is a great game, but lets face the fact boys its over. I personally had a lot of fun met a lot of great people and a few bad ones, however as the game currently stands its not worth going back to.
P.S. I'd like to thank all the cry-babies that forces the devs into making the game even worse.
P.P.S. Keep doing what ur doing zoom i think its working.
shin is nice this time of year >.>
i think it's fine artifacting shouldn't be your main source of cortex's. Artifacting shouldn't be used to support a corporation.
npcs no longer stick to the normal rules of this sandbox. if the lead bot gets stuck behind impassable terrain they can still walk through it. Not so sandboxy of a game huh.
i think it's a great idea... it's a one time purchase and it will allow for newer players to jump right into the game vs waiting 6 months to be effective @ anything i.e. indy or combat. However, i don't agree with the strongest sparks in the game available only through real money. 300K ep is not pay to win but those sparks definitely give an advantage.
I'm gonna say Mr. Dev's im not happy about the sparks being available only to someone who purchases them with real money. 2 of the strongest sparks in the game can NOW only be obtained by real money transactions.
No Jita you wanna now what was a horrible idea, your open beta terminals was a terrible idea.
It's a terrible idea. I don't understand how they don't see it.
And as for Blocker Waaaaa so you it's going to be hard to ninja beta 2's... seriously? And if you're saying everyone can't band together and push a bunch of alts off beta then there's something wrong. Instead of downing every idea why don't you suggest something? And no opening up beta terminals was a *** horrible idea.
any thoughts on if beta2 is going to link with both gammas or still only one?
2 weeks = potato. Do ur thing zoom.
NSE has an open teamspeak
If you give a mesmer another headslot you need to take away a leg slot. 6 headslots with 6 lowers this will make mesmers online. It just has way too much survivability. There has to be a tradeoff. Imagine an ERP fit mesmer with 6 rep-tuners. And, why take away the heavies speeed? sparks are going away and we're going to be having to run everywhere. Can u imagine running across Gamma where the reds run x2 faster than u? I agree that the seth should not be equal to a mesmer, however making the mesmer stronger is the not solution nerfing and limiting the seth is.
*EDIT* you know what fook it i have magnatronics maxed go ahead make the mesmer OP i'll just be a blue pilot then. BANDWAGON HERE I COME!
it was meant as a metaphor. Combining beacons to make super beacons make it so No. 1.
Baby steps G.... Baby steps.
Jordy.. make it so.
Working as intended.. no soup for you
So Zoom no response to this or are you just spitting off foul remarks to make my boy look bad?
So you can't break LOS on alpha and keep beacons stationary to a slope. I stand by my remark. Zoom refuses to admit his mistake.
Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Rowboat
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