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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by Elendil
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Posts found: 12
1 2014-05-26 20:10:24
Re: Request sorting/search filter for storage (4 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
2 2014-05-26 20:07:57
Re: Assignment Reward Bonus Bug (14 replies, posted in Bugs)
I did normal quests.
3 2014-05-26 08:24:54
Re: Assignment Reward Bonus Bug (14 replies, posted in Bugs)
I had exactly the same thing.
Isn't really an annoying bug, though
4 2014-05-19 18:07:23
Re: Data Exports from market (10 replies, posted in Q & A)
I'm not that good with excel. I wrote the script as a python exercise for me
However I figured out how to remove stuff in excel:
=SUBSTITUTE(A:A;"""";" ")
but you can also let them remove by excel in the data import window.
or whatever the substitute command is in your language.
5 2014-05-19 16:48:09
Re: Industrial Sparks (7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
yes, that's true I think, harvesting hasn't a spark, either.
I just think every role should have one.
6 2014-05-19 16:10:10
Re: Data Exports from market (10 replies, posted in Q & A)
I made an exe version too (standalone), you don't need to install python for that.
7 2014-05-19 15:47:25
Topic: Industrial Sparks (7 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)
Hi all!
I think it would be consistent to have some sparks that give you indy bonuses (+ Efficiency Points).
What do you think?
8 2014-05-19 09:48:08
Re: Data Exports from market (10 replies, posted in Q & A)
made a small python script:
Put your file in the same folder as the script and name it "in.csv".
Run parse.py. That gives you an edited file "out.csv"
you need python 3.2 to run it.
Standalone for windows:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kft7chb515pm9 … tParse.rar
example output:
1, 545207.13, Tellesis Main Terminal, 2215-05-29 09:20:00,
2, 550000.00, Tellesis Main Terminal, 2215-06-15 09:41:00,
13, 588396.06, Asintec Alpha Terminal, 2215-11-14 21:12:00,
1, 610000.00, Shinjalar Main Terminal, 2215-07-22 19:53:00,
12, 616999.00, Tellesis Main Terminal, 2215-10-30 17:34:00,
5, 619999.00, Truhold-Markson Alpha Terminal, 2215-08-08 06:08:00,
9 2014-05-15 15:54:54
Re: steam achievement for joining a corp didn't pop (4 replies, posted in Bugs)
on the other hand, "Maxed out" pops during tutorial (not sure if intended)
10 2014-05-11 12:46:18
Re: [How to] launch multiple Perpetuum Steam clients (23 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)
Since we don't know your Steam emails, it can be the same.
ok, thx.
BTW, community and Dev support is awesome in perp!
11 2014-05-11 12:01:50
Re: [How to] launch multiple Perpetuum Steam clients (23 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)
Elendil wrote:I know that every account bought from the site has to have a different mail address.
I bought my frist (so far only) acc on steam.
When I want to buy a second one on the perp site, do I have to use a different mail than the mail of the steam login?You probably have to.
If you're using gmail, just add +1 to your address and it will act as different one, but still receive all emails to your main.
e.g. Your email is elendil@gmail.com. When making alt account on Perpetuum, use elendil+1@gmail.com or elendil+i_like_big_boobs@gmail.com. All emails will still go to elendil@gmail.com
elen.dil@gmail.comWorks too.
Check out http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/1-awesome- … seriously/
for more info.
Ah, ok.
I just thought it would work because steam uses the account name for login and not the mail.
But I don't want to risk it.
12 2014-05-11 10:32:49
Re: [How to] launch multiple Perpetuum Steam clients (23 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)
I know that every account bought from the site has to have a different mail address.
I bought my frist (so far only) acc on steam.
When I want to buy a second one on the perp site, do I have to use a different mail than the mail of the steam login?
Posts found: 12
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