Confirming refining is not working properly, trained to lvl 9 today with 34% relation to the green people, no change in delta!

Level 8 refining + 34% standings = 29 titan ore to 1 titanium in tm-a
Level 9 refining + 34% standings = 29 titan ore to 1 titanium in tm-a


(41 replies, posted in Services and Discussion)

Just force 1% overbid/undercut.

Imagine me asking a contactor for a second price on a 1 mil contract and he comes back to me with 999'999.99. I would laugh in his face and stick to the first


(100 replies, posted in Balancing)

Yup, slow loading times will kill you


(33 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Alexadar wrote:

Also for hangar managers "corporation assets"



(9 replies, posted in Guides and Resources)

I would check your Alligior and Espitium calculations, because if you can get them refined for those prices i'll take all you have.

Just use Fisher King's plan:

Both gangs send 1 champion to do a 1 vs 1 duel. Loosing party withdraws from the tp.

My point is test stuff for yourself instead of relying on others.
Unskilled numbers are per cycle:
Titan 500
Stermonit 300
Imentium 200
HDT 500
Liquizit 150
Epriton 150
Helioptris 300
Triandlus 200

Yup big problem with setting manual standings is when people leave your corp, they stay green..

Your numbers are wrong, since ore per cycle is not volume based. Get an unskilled agent out in an arkhe and mine 1 cycle of each ore, instead of relying on volume and feeding wrong information.

As a corp CEO you have to fit robots for fast replacement or to help other corp members, so i agree with Styx on this 1. Let us fit unactivated robots even if we dont have the right extensions.

It's not about the costs, but having to move them around. Please put them on every outpost market if you think its a money sink.

Yes please