The only benefit small bots should have is there price. It makes no sence to have light bots as strong as mechs, if you want to hit as hard as a mech stay in the game for a month and skill into them. As for helping new players get started in the game it's up to the vets to show them how to use 20-40k ep in a specialized direction right at first and the best rolls they can play in a fleet. Example= 1 vet in a mech + 6 day 1 players in light ewars can be very strong

Bos has opened up recruitment we are socialist meaning we do everything together but you have the freedoms to also do your own thing. We are looking for active easy to get along with people currently we are looking for 10-15 players. The reason we are only opening to 10-15 players is so we can stay a close working group without confusion. Anyone interested in being part of our corp please contact any of our members in game or post here. All players old or new are welcome and we would love to show new players all we know about the game


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

Make sure your hanging out in the recruitment channel as well as asking if corps are recruiting and state the type gameplay you in joy most like mining,production,pvp,pve, ect.

I'll do all I can to get market orders up in hersh

Player created bounty on other corp and other players

I agree with tux. I have killed alot of plants do to this issue. I have also noticed near stucrtures it gets worse MUCH worse alot of corp members along with myself have seen 12k plus since patch

I feel like the game is all long term planning and long term goals I think it should have a lot more short term gains currently the only short term profit is artifacting I would suggest things like poker games, or elite spawns that drop all t4 and randomly spawn every few days, or random rare ore spawns that only drop pl's,ect. I'm sure everyone could come up with more/better ideas but my point is that everything in the game currently takes alot of time before you feel like you've accomplished something

But if it's not announced as exploit then improper balancing falls under opinion does it not?


(26 replies, posted in General discussion)

Maybe we should all be trying to promote the game instead of claiming its dead I personally love the game and do everything I can think to add postiveity to it


(165 replies, posted in General discussion)

BOS has a folder with all updated scan results it seems to help speed things up for miners. Just a tip for newer players/corps

I do agree with gremrod I also have some ideas. (1) offer products that player may want wich also works as advertisement example stickers, poster, shirt, things that can be put on cars, possibly action figures, ect.
(2) make a purchasable disc with an eye catching cover it's works as a selling item at the same time as advertisement.
(3) have images on the website that player can pull and use.
(4) publicly call out other games an claim to be more attracting controversy creates attention.
(5) let us sell time codes in game for nic the thought of paying for your time with nic is exciting for involved players and the ability the pay a few extra bucks to get a boost for new player is good all the same time it brings more money to the game and helps stimulate the market.
(6) have a place for players to contact devs with plans to advertise in there locale areas.

I personally would buy stickers and put them on vending machine I own if there was the option.

Today we terraformed a grieving player who ran and used logout as a means of escape. Will the devs support this player and move him out of his hole, or let him find his own way to deal with the choices he has made?

Thank you for the announcement zoom keep up the great work devs

Everyone has been doing that since the gamma announcement now it's just driving people out, we need the patch or something to happen

The game is at a stand still because everyone is waiting to see what the patch brings either release the changes or announce nothing is coming

Then let's walk not talk and theory craft about problems that have not yet happened

Thador Caeli wrote:
Line wrote:

5 pages of discussing, and 90% of them are mostly offtopic, politics, *** and endless arguing. Deploy the patch DEVs, just apply those changes that were offered somewhere here. Deploy, and get back to PvE development to attract new players.


Changes can be made from that point rather than changes made to changes that are not yet tested. Let's walk forward  not talk in circles

Mongolia Jones wrote:

Making terraforming cheaper is a BAD idea.  If whole islands get completely terraformed (because it's cheaper) then say bye bye to small gang roaming of gamma.

It seems you guys green-lighted any idea that was thrown out there during that meeting, DON'T DO THAT!!

Currently, with a small population just a few people can completely cut off a teleport in just a couple weeks time.  With terraforming costing less, then those same few players can terraform that much more, which would be VERY bad indeed, especially if it's more than a few people doing it over a couple months.

Small gang roams are the basic unit of pvp in PO.  Every time you guys introduce a barrier to small roams, you lose players.  Terraforming is a basic obstruction to small gang roams.  Please reconsider this and consider making terraforming MORE costly than it is now.  Terraforming should take many weeks if not months or years to affect whole islands.

What have you terraformed or build I dont think you understand the current cost of gamma with the cost now it is limited to only corps/alliances that have multi billions of nic

Gamma island artifacts should have a chance to drop prototype items


(116 replies, posted in News and information)

I agree with being able to listen during and after

+1 gamma needs more/better spawns

Sniff sniff I think ville might be into something but if your good company your still welcome contact any AIG corp for some info I personally am part of BOS and you can contact any of our deligates

trying to open corp. management tab while in friendly outpost creats perpetuum crash.
   The first time i was able to open it and once i created corp storage it crashed now everytime i try to open corp management tab in outpost it crash's

I like the idea of support observers maybe think of that when they emplament an actual support bot

will EP continue to gain druing all server downtime's even if we get the down time added to account?