Ville wrote:

We need a push in the player base Zoom, I know your not going to listen anyways but anyway we can get this game under $20?  On Steam when EA ends? 

It would be nice to see new accounts get a 5 - 10 day booster.

I would like to see ICE return to redistribute the wealth to new players and adding an additional service to your game.

ICE would cost $11.99 and give you enough credits to boost for 30 days.

We need a cash shop, thank you for not being greedy people, but, you need to make the absolutely peak amount when you pull EA off.  I'd suggest Highly having a system that lets you buy things for credits, (PC).  For example:  Faction ammo,T3-,syndicate supply crates that have decoders, minerals with a rng proc for epi/nora/colixum. Or even rare mk2 Cts or regular Cts.  Stuff like that.

+ 1

good luck