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Clicking the New posts link on threads always brings me to the last post and I have to scroll up. This bug is seriously disrupting my lurking activities.
Fix please
..and yes I know Gamma launch and other stuff is more important but give us lurkers some love
I'm always amazed by how many people actually likes to play solo in mmorpgs. I'ts noticeable everywhere. There's nothing won by fighting it.
I've tried soloing at points and it's not rewarding. After the 5th or 6th logistic run somewhere I just start thinking that I should do something fun with my time instead. 
If I however look back and try to recollect the best and most fun gaming experiences I've had. It's always Perp that comes to mind.
When playing alone you want to shoot yourself in the foot.
When playing with others in combined efforts this game shines.
Devs ARE working on more pve content. Hopefully we'll get great fun in the future for all playstyles.
Celebro wrote:Will this conference talks be made public? Otherwise I would just like to hear what is being said
Read three posts above.
edit: Ehmmm.. or four. 
Burial wrote:First place will get 60% of the total sum, second gets 20% and third gets 10%.
60 + 20 + 10 = 100? 
Ask him what he wants done?
I'll grab that and help seeding.
Macavity wrote:Whats Jita? Lol you gotta remember i just came back from a 1 year hiatus from the game, i dont even know what that word means
You need to be brought up to speed on a few things. Like the first rule of the forums; Ignore Villes posts. 
Lemon wrote:Gremrod wrote:Lemon wrote:If i need to back this with a proper argument i will take the time to write it out in response to any proper arguments for this towers implementation.
Please post it now. I would like to read it, Mr. Genius 
I painted a purdy picture using all my geniusness depicting my argument!
P.S. that was a reference to something 
Is...that....a Seth??
I was hoping I could fill up all my fitting extensions to test some cool builds!
....oh...that's not what we're testing? 
.....and I'm taking the lead at 5m41 seconds!
I'm not talking about the video quality. I'm talking about the small 5 by 5 centimeter square in the middle of your screen where you can barely see a bot moving around. 
Good stuff.
It's always fun when miners cry about being killed. 
Btw... I think you're resolution is even lower than mine. Laptop FTW.
This thread is winner of "Most persistant threads 2011-12"
Haven't had time to read it but it looks AWESOME! 
Plex could be bought for newly introduced mission tokens. 
Seriously though.. I always enjoy an Arga-post. 
Lemon wrote:Cobalt wrote:Your ironical style just unsuccesfully try to hide the fact that you cannot contradict me with any valid argument. Its not the player job to know when to stop hitting, its the referee, in that case the devteam, that need to prevent what you call "griefing". I dont come from FOOM, but what is sure is that you dont know more than me what your talking about.
Any action made by a player, or a group of players, within the ruleset edicted by the developers, is the responsibilty of said developer. If those actions end up with bad game experience or peoples leaving the game, not any of the acting player can be considered responsible of that. Only the peoples that dictate the rules. Try to contradict that...
They are constantly adjusting things to prevent griefing they do most of it through small tweaks that really only the greifer will notice.
So you noticed? 
The Major wrote:Egil wrote:The Major wrote:Gamma islands will not solve either of these problems. They will be lawless territories controlled by powerful corporations that can afford the structures. They are not going to attract Billy Mission Runner into the game and off of Alpha. It's adding end-game content when there is barely and early or mid-game content to speak of.
When gamma-islands appear make the current beta-islands into alpha islands? 
I think you underestimate how much bigger the population needs to get to support a real economy.
We don't need double the number of islands. We need ten times the number of islands.
I fully agree.
The Major wrote:Gamma islands will not solve either of these problems. They will be lawless territories controlled by powerful corporations that can afford the structures. They are not going to attract Billy Mission Runner into the game and off of Alpha. It's adding end-game content when there is barely and early or mid-game content to speak of.
When gamma-islands appear make the current beta-islands into alpha islands? 
Shaedys wrote:I do think that would drive isolationism, making the markets on those gamma islands even more removed from alpha markets.
Unless there are no markets on gamma islands. 
Sundial wrote:DEV Zoom wrote:Sounds like a nice idea at first, but it's very exploitable. Just shoot your hauler buddy's probe after mining is finished for an instant teleport to the base.
Maybe if your probe gets shot, you can't agress / move for 5 minutes after logging in while your robot "recalibrates"
How does this stop the teleporting?
And I assumed that the bot got destroyed if the probe was destroyed.
Alexadar wrote:For fixing logout traps i propose next:
After agent logged off on terrain, he leaving small probe with huge (lets say 250) masking value. If anyone shoots his fragile probe, agent will appear in a terminal next time he logs in.
This will give us ability to fight logout traps, plus good lore bacground for login-logout process.
I like the idea that instead of trying to remove metagaming you disguise it in game mechanics.
+1 until there's a truly effective way to remove login traps
Can M2S please stop spamming the recruitment channels. We all know you're awesome already! 
Jasdemis Left Nipple wrote:Egil wrote:Dazamin wrote:It actually wasn't a troll question
Player interaction would seem to be the major selling point of an MMORPG over a Single player RPG. I understand some players prefer the NPC side of things, but this is presumably because its different from PvP or other forms of player interaction. What I'm asking is why would you then want the AI to be more human like, when it seems the reason to enjoy it is that its not human like?
Also confirming RL ganking is bad 
Someone's trying to do a game without npc's. Interesting to see how that goes.
"Like Dofus, Wakfu is a tactical RPG, with a job system and creatures to fight but unlike Dofus, there is an emphasis on an open, player-driven world, lending a sandbox feel to the game. There will be no NPCs in Wakfu, and the entire economy will be player-controlled."
Game seems really interesting. It's just the *** community which consists of 12 year old girls what drives me off.
yeah..I've seen them on the forums. Let's make a guild and grief them! MUAHAHAHA
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