LazerusKI wrote:

That would be mean -.-
I just put some of my EM guns into the market, some ammo too.
If it does not sell, atleast i can support a friend with ammo and weapons then

I ran exclusive Alpha Industrial for an extended period of time in Perp and while it's time consuming and less than efficient if compared to Beta or Gamma you can make things happen.

I'd still suggest as a brave new member of Perp, you focus on Artifact scanning and tracking down the Cortex component. You will seldom see Heavy mech but you will see a lot of lights and assaults and humble amounts of Mech. You will in the process gather reasonable amounts of meta 0 and it is recycled to commodities that you simply can't get on Alpha. You are not chosing an easy path in Perp but you will find you can make it happen and it's rewarding in its own way.

The first time I churned out half a dozen Artemis MK2's I was quite proud of myself and from all my Artifacting, I have T3, Niani fit one of them full slot. It's a beast of a robot with some solid Kernal farming potential.

DEV Zoom wrote:

The market does seem to have enough player orders to allow the removal of the NPC orders. However I think that would be a too sudden change, so their prices have been reduced for now.

Feel free to remove all Ore seeds. These are not the faucets people use and nothing I argued had anything to do with Seed sales. If this was the core of this complaint, it's a non starter.

Do it in process like you are, to see if a new and improved exploit shows up in ie. insurance but the seed sale thing was never able to compete with even ground level plasma farming.

- Also, if I ever do find myself AFK farming in a Scarab it will be Liquizit and I will be doing it to make stuff.

Good idea, though I won't pretend to have any idea on how to make it happen. NPC and PvE are very resource specific activities in the game. They are extensions of PvP and anything they add will become a farm of a sort.

Even if they were to add some sort of dailies PvE content group, it would be measured in how much productivity it adds to assets that will in the end be PvP intended. It could also be said that any content is good content. If they had 5 or 6 dailies for people to log in for, they might actually log in and we would have a playerbase from it.

Weedy wrote:
Skydell wrote:

the only way to obtain them is by searching for artifacts.

Searching for artifacts =/= scanning for artifacts.

Skydell wrote:

Here we go with the gerneric, EVE come back "you are doing it wrong" slappy happy claims of failed leadership and other gray area claims of blame.

I see why Zoom keeps deleting these.

Oh, so you are just a troll with no argument to bring to the table and support your statements? No wonder you aren't going anywhere with your claims.

How many replies do I need to provide? How many points can you ignore to say that? How much spin do you need to spurge to make this a debate? Searching, scanning, seriously? That's the backbone of your argument? Ignore that you still need all the other aspects of Industrial to make all that Titan useful.

Ignore the one key word that is missing in this entire flail of misinformation. The reason it isn't an issue.


Every other gamer out there wants to log in to a video game to have FUN. Not to find mind bending ways to make the game dysfunctional and eye bleeding, brain bleed simulations in online collaboration. It's only an issue in your mind. Really.

Ville wrote:
Skydell wrote:
Ville wrote:

You don't understand economic warfare.

I understand it better than you think and if there is an economic war to be had in Perp is doesn't revolve around HDT and Titan Ore.

If my spare computer can generate 100 million Nic in a 24 hour cycle.  There's nothing with me completely doing it afk?  I can do more once fast extract gets L10 and mining skills on the alts are at 10.

The infinite orders are too high.  You can literally generate these values in 100% safety.

Yea, we get it.

Unlimited Scarab Fleets, multiple 10's and you have the ability to do what you don't need to do.
About sum it up?

Weedy wrote:

I can only say that you don't even have the facts to operate with your claims.

First of all, there are multiple ways to obtain cortexes, and artifacting is probably the worst of them.

Second, we fought against corporation who fielded UNLIMITED (duped) robots with maximum tiered equipment (t4) while the rest of the server didn't even have the technology, nevermind production, high enough to have those modules. Kernel grind was tens of times worse than now, and even after farming NPCs on beta for 5-6 hours a day for 5 months we had only about 60-70% of tech-tree unlocked.

Third, afterwards we fought against server-wide coalitions who were ready to petition devs on any small issue when they lost a fight. This all happened way before gamma was introduced into the game. Mining beta was a lot more unsafe, alpha mining wasn't endless cash-in, it was nothing like you would compare to the current situation.

Now, if you look at the current situation and compare it, even alpha corporations have a lot more space than before to be competitive enough, however when the problem lies within the leadership of those corporations, there's nothing much we can do roll There are reasons for those complaints such as making beta more attractive for people to actually have a more solid reason to fight for it, but many alpha-scrublings are also pulling the blanket on their side.

Here we go with the gerneric, EVE come back "you are doing it wrong" slappy happy claims of failed leadership and other gray area claims of blame.

I see why Zoom keeps deleting these.

Weedy wrote:

I can only say that you don't even have the facts to operate with your claims.

First of all, there are multiple ways to obtain cortexes, and artifacting is probably the worst of them.

Intersting, In game description:

The strange and rare CPU cortexes are used to upgrade data processing. By building them into your robot as a component, you can upgrade its parameters, creating their advanced, Mk2 versions. The exact build-up and working mechanism is still vague, the only way to obtain them is by searching for artifacts.

Cortexes are irrefutable evidences that Nia was once inhabited by a civilization, much more advanced than the three robotic factions that we already know.

Ville wrote:

You don't understand economic warfare.

I understand it better than you think and if there is an economic war to be had in Perp is doesn't revolve around HDT and Titan Ore.

Syndic wrote:

Assaults didn't fit into our doctrines 2-3 years ago, Kains and Artemis' did.

We fought wars for our unfettered Beta access. Nobody handed it to us on a plate, we've been at war with some alliance or other since 18th of February 2011 up to the day a whole lot of corps signed a nice little petition ticket.

This has nothing to do with what I just said.

- Even if you have 40,000 Billion HDT, Titan and every mined resource in the game, you don't AFK Cortex stocks and you don't AFK Kernal stocks, you don't AFK Fragment stocks, you don't AFK MK2 CT's, you don't AFK Nora, Prismo, Triandlus. And you don't nerf stuff just for exploiters, you nerf it for EVERYBODY. So the new person with the poorly fit Argano making 240K Nic an hr, ATK in game? He needs nerfed too? Because you will nerf him in design.

And no, you did NOT fight never ending wars to have unfettered Access to Beta. You had Gamma, by your own admission, it was a cake walk. You have more Gamma than you had players, you had more Beta than you had players. How many threads have you guys opened crying the bloo-bloo about how there is no PvP? How you tool all the Outposts with no resistance, How can you have so many great wars and not have had PvP?

You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You don't even see the contradictions in everything you say. I've already pointed out, I can see the boredom that drives these complaints but the problem is, you don't see your own flawed thinking.

The only things that are being AFK mined in the billions are Epri, Liquizit and HDT.
Mechanics won't allow you to leave a bot AFK for 8 hrs to mine anyting else. It's all limited by the amount on a tile.

If you guys insist on mining out pool spawns and cashing them in to seeds, the rest of us don't care. We understand the industry well enough to know that even if we do this, even if we are sitting on 80 billion Nic, we can't do anything with it.

10 MK2 Waspish a day you say.
I looked, there is ONE on the market. ONE IN ALL the game. If you guys have that much production capacity, why aren't you selling them at cost? What's worse case sceanario? Someone actually buys them and loses them in a fight with you?

tl:dr you are heckling Devs and I don't know your motives. I can only assume its boredome.

Syndic wrote:

What I was pointing out was that we produce drastically faster then we can sell, therefore there is no incentive for us to buy anything other then resources.

Fact - We have a single producer dedicated to pure waspish mk2 production - We pump out 10 fully fitted wasp mk2's per day, every day like clockwork.
Argument - Why would we buy wasp mk2's?

More on-topic, if Ville can leave 8 scarab mk2's mining while hes working/sleeping, I can leave 10. Another dude can leave 3. Another 4. Another 2. Another X, Y, Z.

Everything in this game scales with accounts that can be applied to something.

If its not a problem for the Devs - thats fine, our scarabs will mine for us while we work and sleep.

New people can't do what you are talking about. I think you are forgetting the two years it took you to build Scarab fleets. The two years of unfettered, no loss Industrial to get enough Proto's and CTs to pound out 10 Waspish MK2 a day.

I've been playing this game every day for the past 3 months. I spend 90% of it Artifacting and I have 14 Light Cortex, 10 Assault, I haven't seen a Mech Cortex in over a month and in all the time I have played Perp I have found ONE Heavy Cortex so I call bluff on the 10 MK2  a day. Even if by some miracle you have stockpiled that many Cortex, again, keep in mind everyone else doesn't have unrestricted access to Beta and they never will have by the sounds of things.

So, are you looking to balance or cement your postition as top dog in Perp because it seems the only ones with the assets capable of pounding out this kind of production is the dedicated, two year veteran player base.

Syndic wrote:

CIR's market team has ~50B worth of orders on the market at any given time.

We haven't played the game seriously in 2 years. There's simply no player-demand for bots & mods, as always.

We create the demand for resources. That is shrinking in volume as more people stop playing.

The scenario describe reflects a new Industrial player in an Argano to me. Two poorly bonused Miners on an unlimited cargo is Noob in an argano, mining in to a can and 16 hrs, AFK or ATK with 8 accounts at 30 mill is 240K Nic/hr. If he cashed in twice? Thats half a mill an hr? They can't nerf that, it's already a joke.

Make a brand new character on a brand new account, simulate newb status and forecast how long it will take you to put 50 billion in a corp wallet. No Gamma exploits, no triangle stockpiles. Current mechanics, current potential. It's a pipe dream. It's great you guys have 50 billion on market but you have seen me working the game. I trade for Epr. I have 50 million Nic.

I keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel. I see the potential in this game. I also see the amount of time you need to devote to it to become established. "Take longer to do really mundane garbage" like mine HDT and Titan isn't going to encourage, it's going to discourage.

- Added note: I'm not a fool. You guys are discouraged after 2 years and it comes down to, you don't have an equal, you don't have competition in a game that really doesn't offer much else. I don't see that changing any time soon. Even if a thousand new people show up tomorrow, they will need a minimum of 6 months before they are anything but short term entertainment for you guys and I don't know what Devs can do about that without flipping the entire game concept on its ear.

There is no economy. When was the last time CIR or PHM bought a Robot?

It's all done in corp and it isn't even a bad thing. It's just a different way of doing things.

Very few players can AFK field 8 Scarab and if that only got you 30 mill? It isn't a problem.

Gunner wrote:

Ill take the Zenith Mk2 CT if still available

mailed you in game.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

Crepitus wrote:
Skydell wrote:

Once you get over the illusion of risk, it's no diiferent than mining Liquizit for 10 hours a day.

This is where your logic breaks down completely.  Beta risk (killed any time anywhere outside a station by people or NPCs which roam in massive caravans and ridiculous 1 or 2 man juggernauts) is, literally, infinitely greater than Alpha (no risk at all anywhere).

When it gluts the market and tanks to 5 NIC, ( and it will because they wasted all their time mining Epri and need the NIC) I will buy it and pander some more to the Overlord Ego, crying crocodile tears about how I wish I had  their Epri farms (not) and didn't need to buy it at 5% of my Alpha income.

You thought I avoided Beta cuz I are skeered of the PvP's? No, I don't want to upset my meal ticket. I make more farming tier 1 spawns on Alpha and that is saying something because that is like watching paint dry.


You're actually strengthening the arguments about how Beta needs more reason to be there (financially/gear wise) and Gamma will likely need it even more.

Instead, we get a huge explosion damage nerf making the laughable Beta NPC farming potential even more ridicule-worthy.

Personally I'm from the camp that is generally against nerfs and more about buffing.  Beta needs a buff.  If Gamma never came back I'd be fine with it tbh big_smile

My goal when I wrote this wasn't to rub noses in the situation. It was intended to promote better content. All content outside Epri requires group, not just because it's group oriented but because you need to 'herd up' to handle any PvP that might come along. It's a legitimate balance.

But, there is no way reward competes at the productivity level right now when compared to Alpha. It's a scaling issue throughout the whole game. Typical Tier 1 spawn drops 30 plasma, a Tier 3 averages 50 to 60 and take much longer to kill and repair from. I can take down 5 Tier 1 in field time faster than I can take down a single tier 3 all aspects taken in to account. Add to that I am keeping all of it. I don't need to share with 11 other people, Beta NPC farming is just not on the grid as far as lucrative.

I'm still holding to the risk illusion. If hostility is on the Island or near an Epri spawn, you really don't risk. You just log out Industrial until it goes away. Much like it was on Alpha2 before, if a resource shows up on a red spawn you can't do much about it. The spawn system is infinite and absolute and mining under siege is impossible. There isn't a risk ration. You can or you can't.

tl:dr Beta sucks.


(65 replies, posted in Balancing)

Khader Khan wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Ok, stupid question: did you think about shooting the small ones first?

Stupid answer YES AND I DIED due to not shooting the dps dealing bots

Just another thing to not do in beta......A place where we were supposed to have an appeal or lure to be balanced. RISK VS REWARD. Stop band-aiding problems and breaking 4 other mechanics

Selling Beta in this game is pretty comical.

Lets face it, you have Epri mining and..... well... Epri Mining.

full disclosure of my train of though:

So let the Overlords mine Epri because I sure as hell don't want to. Once you get over the illusion of risk, it's no diiferent than mining Liquizit for 10 hours a day. When it gluts the market and tanks to 5 NIC, ( and it will because they wasted all their time mining Epri and need the NIC) I will buy it and pander some more to the Overlord Ego, crying crocodile tears about how I wish I had  their Epri farms (not) and didn't need to buy it at 5% of my Alpha income.

You thought I avoided Beta cuz I are skeered of the PvP's? No, I don't want to upset my meal ticket. I make more farming tier 1 spawns on Alpha and that is saying something because that is like watching paint dry.


(38 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Sequer 80/ 100U - Throw away production level

Lithus - 240/300 U - 10,000 Briochit perfect (that's half a million Nora and Epri for those who hate math - more in truth, Perfect can't be done)

Scarab - 720/ 900 U - 12,500 Briochit.

So it goes from junk to holy *** to slighly more holy ***. Lithus is 90% of the way to scarab. The only lithus in the game are the ones made pre Scarab and the bump from Sequer to scarab is lunacy.

Mech Level Hauler with 160/ 200 U and speed bonus or built in teleport device. In fact have both. One is cheap on a Mech Level, the other expensive on a Scarab level.

condensed version, PvP is lop sided?

We know this, it's the same scenario in EVE.
It's the real reason most refuse to FFA PvP. The system is linear and static. It isn't a flaw in Perp so much as it is a limit in game engines. It's also the reason most MMOs focus on PvE and campaign style gaming. They can entertain in the limits of the engine.

Updated with New CT's


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

Annihilator wrote:
Jita wrote:
Skydell wrote:

I'm going to use Joke and CIR as an example. They reset not too long ago and it seemed to be a shake hands and walk away affair. Then there appeared to be a betrayal where Joke lost and undisclosed cargo Scarab while trying to evac Beta. On the surfaceit appears that CIR stabbed Joke in the back but we have no information on agreements and how that whole situation went down.

Where do people get this stuff from?

Nothing of the sort happened. We left amicably and since the situation has soured because of personalities, not actions.

Well, he already wrote it down in his own post:

Skydell wrote:

tl:dr most 'bad' player behaviour is rooted in misinformation.

Skydell wrote:

If there was something Development could do in this dimension of the game, it would be to template a corporate page here on the forums, for each Corporation that is in the GargaJ graph. It would be up to the corporation to decide what policies were transparent and what policies were classified. This could include Blue and red lists, Research trees, all political and trade affiliations.

Mostly what you are talking about is 'politics' and it adds a dimension to the game. The problem is, we don't always know the politics of the politics.

The politics will remain, people will still trollpost and *** but a forum based corporate template would provide corporations with official positions. There would be no need to reply 1400 times when someone does what I just did. Know some things and make the rest up.


(48 replies, posted in General discussion)

What you are talking about, OP is player policy. It isn't up to development to make it or enforce it.

If there was something Development could do in this dimension of the game, it would be to template a corporate page here on the forums, for each Corporation that is in the GargaJ graph. It would be up to the corporation to decide what policies were transparent and what policies were classified. This could include Blue and red lists, Research trees, all political and trade affiliations.

Mostly what you are talking about is 'politics' and it adds a dimension to the game. The problem is, we don't always know the politics of the politics.

I'm going to use Joke and CIR as an example. They reset not too long ago and it seemed to be a shake hands and walk away affair. Then there appeared to be a betrayal where Joke lost and undisclosed cargo Scarab while trying to evac Beta. On the surfaceit appears that CIR stabbed Joke in the back but we have no information on agreements and how that whole situation went down.

A public corp page would allow for transparent policy and public relations guidelines on such political aspects of gameplay.

tl:dr most 'bad' player behaviour is rooted in misinformation.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'd like to see rare, named Artifacts over the entire spectrum. Named Salvage to named Observer.


(15 replies, posted in Bugs)

Nuking the Vid, Devs have seen the thread.

Kaldenines wrote:
Mark Zima wrote:

the "EVE Trap"

is definitely a problem.  It's not a coincidence that most active players in this game are current or ex-eve players.  New players are stuck being barely able to afford a bot until they discover artifacting and get lucky with a CT or a few cortexes.  Why do missions pay so little?

This is a sanbox factor. The NIC is there, it just isn't in the cookie cutter content like assignments. There is more NIC in finding a level 1 spawn and just killing for plasma. It won't get you as much as Cortex farming but that is very hit and miss, similar to MK2 CTs.

In addition, artifacting is a sort of forced trash factor. In order to repopulate your scans, you need to eliminate the ones there. If you don't do them they will stay there indefinitely.

- Knowing that if you have 10 infestations, you know you have 4 hrs of trash because I have never had a solid drop from an Infestation.
- Industrial and salvage do drop Cortex but its very rare and they are otherwise not even paying for the probes.
- If you get a dirty streak of Science on top of that, it can cost you millions in probes.
- Observer Stash are junk, the loot is in the Observer spawn and they will shred a new player in under a minute.

The point being, new players need to sandbox the content to make NIC and I do support that content direction. It's what sells Perpetuum or will if there is ever a concerted campaign to sell Perp, either company or player side.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

Gunner wrote:

Thank the lord

DEV Gargaj wrote:

We're going to revert later today - this was a mistake due to miscommunication.

More on this later.

I'm not here to cry wolf about Steam or head hunt. I just know the pathing isn't working.

The saying six ways around the barn?
The pathing knows one and it resets you if you try the other five. In Perp it's more like 50 to 5000 other ways from A to B and you guys don't have the processor power to chart them all, for all players.


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:
Syndic wrote:

Worst thing is before you "knew" that your bot is where you see it on your screen, now there's a constant uncertainty "will it teleport me back?" hanging in the air that's absolutely detrimental to any sort of PVP.

Another method would be that the client doesn't let your robot move if the server doesn't let it/doesn't answer/whatever. This would probably remove the uncertainty.

I think that's called turn based. Will my Bishop only be moving in a diagonal fashion?

Serious, the system in place is FUBAR.

* '''New:''' Changed the method of how the movement of robots is calculated. It is much more dependent on server verification now, and it should help with robots getting accidentally stuck on top of mountains, jumping walls, etc.

The Movement is based on pathing after the fact and often in free movement, you use terrian and foilage to block on purpose. fishing around foilage, manual movement around slope barriers is impossible. This patch needs to roll back ASAP.

I was hooked on one of the L corner foilage while artifacting. I moved out 9 times in a direction being 150 away from the artifact and kept getting 5 closer or 2.5 closer. Eventually I started waiting for the server to catch up and I was rubberbanding back to the L shaped foilage blockade. I got out by autopathing to where I wanted to be,

tldr; I had to babysit the server through the path from and to. In a PvP situation this would defeat the entire purpose of terrain based PvP.