Game really needs some solid marketing.

The curve to have a new corporation actually become a threat is too much.  Most players will join the existing blue donuts.  Many people want to create something and build on it.  It is just too difficult here.  We tried with NEX years ago and really got nowhere.  This applies to both PVP and Industry.

PVP should have unique rewards based on points awarded for type of bot destroyed either solo or in a group and what type of bots are on the killmail.  There should be no other way to get these.  This promotes PVP which in itself promotes industry.  Even if it was an island where events occurred every 8 hours (not SAPs) and you got point for "holding the hill".  Just need something new which will get people wanting to actually log in.  No one cares about SAPs because not enough people online to bother unless they are just doing it for themselves.

Group PvE which unique rewards.  This shouldn't even be remotely doable with any heavy mech and multiple logistics.  This should needs a group and have rewards accordingly.

My 2 Cents