(12 replies, posted in Q & A)

I got this error after I updating my video drivers recently. Then I started the client again and it worked fine.

1. Tiak
2. Deolator
3. Puchu III


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Plisko wrote:

Alright that is what I was thinking, now can you put insurance on your robot to get some money back?

When in the terminal, right click your robot and choose 'Insure'. The insurance isn't valid for a very long time I think, so choose carefully when you insure smile

Surge wrote:

Just a quick note. Its spelt 'lose'.

I just can't help myself. It is: "It's spelled 'lose'." wink


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Once a robot has gone "boom" it won't come back. You get a free Arkhe however if you ran out of robots smile


(18 replies, posted in Q & A)

You mean turret. Not torrent. A turret shoots stuff, a torrent is used to download stuff.

And no. Turrets are guns only. smile

On a scale from boringboringboring to epiclolz, this video definitely scores a WTF lol lol

(also that music is awesome for grinding and mining .. wtb big_smile)

Try clicking the modules button, 4th button from the right in the top right of your screen. You might have accidentally pressed that button some time.

Over a week ago we rented a corporate storage at an alpha terminal, which expired a few hours ago.

When checking storage details, it says the lease is valid and the storage can still be fully utilized. The 'Pay rent' button is actually disabled, the expiration date is a few hours in the past.

Also, Another storage we have at an outpost (which hasn't expired yet) doesn't show any weekly rent in the list of storages in the corporation management window.

EDIT: the renting fee was withdrawn from the corp wallet a few hours later and lease extended with a week from that point (which gives us 6 hours free storage basically).


(7 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Riggsville wrote:

wonder if this could be used for spying?

I don't think so, it's a bit too infrequent for that.

Also the last time I got into the bugged state, I walked back towards the terminal, and I *think* I logged back in at the same spot near the terminal where I logged out. Need to confirm this though.


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Seems to be the same problem as described here.


(7 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

This happened to me twice now. All NPC's and players are suddenly still, targets cannot be locked or unlocked, modules cycle forever but don't fire. I can move around and chatting works fine.

It feels like lag but I don't think it is, as then the chat should also lag. And once you get into the above state, it doesn't go back to normal.

It seems to strike rarely and at random moments, I can't really reproduce this. The workaround is to log out to the character selection menu, and logging in the character again.

Did you right click the stack of 2000 rounds and choose to sell or did you browse the market on the item and click the sell button at the bottom of that?

If I right click a stack and choose sell, it displays the maximum of the stack I try to sell. If you choose to sell through the market window, it simply picks the largest stack you have.

Ah yes, good point. Ignore the last paragraph of my post big_smile

I had several kernels I was selling to buy orders. For this specific kernel, there were 2 player buy orders for the same price. 1 of them was buying 49 and the other was buying 1. The order of 49 kernels was a the top of the list of buy orders in my market window.

When I tried to sell the whole stack of kernels, I could sell a maximum of 1 kernels. I did that, and then tried selling the stack again. Yet again I could only sell a maximum of 1. It turns out that I was actually selling to the buy order of 49 kernels, but there seems to be a different sorting when it looks at available buy orders when trying to sell.

Luckily I only had 10 kernels, but it's annoying when you'd have 100+. A better option might be that if you choose to sell a stack of items, it sells them to the best available buy orders and tries to sell as much of the item as possible, i.e. until the buy orders for that item have run out.

Alexander wrote:

The issue being if this is changed then assignment can be almost instantly completed in a squad and an assignment exploit would be created.

Not sure if I follow. Currently the player who accepted the squad must get final blow and the mission reward is split right? How would a new exploit be created?

Embolism wrote:

I agree that this is annoying, but the issue right now is everyone is doing the same missions. Once the population starts to spread out I think the problem will be less severe. Once people are in the pvp zone you can just blow that ks *** up.

As pointed out in the OP, the problem actually gets more annoying if the assignment area is not very crowded.

In the very base case, you are shooting an NPC, and a ninja is waiting right next to you, until the NPC's HP is so low he can single volley it. If you don't fire it, the ninja also won't, but if you do, odds are high your kill gets stolen.

In the typical bounty hunting assignment, you have to destroy X amount of type Y NPC. Contrary to tagging a kill (to get loot rights), you need to have the final blow on an NPC, or otherwise it won't count for your assignment. So you don't have to be the one who tagged the NPC.

This leads to a rather annoying problem. People running around, trying to get final blows on NPC's who were tagged and shot to low HP by other players. The person who tagged them does get the loot ofcourse, but it can be an extreme pain to complete an assignment this way.

It's slightly annoying in the really crowded areas (a problem which happened mainly because a lot of people started at the same time with the tutorial missions today), but it gets worse when there's fewer players involved, especially if most of those only shoot the NPC's they tagged, and one or more people walk around trying to get those final blows.

People end up killing up to twice the amount of NPC's they have to kill for the mission, and effectively do the mission for the other guy who only fires a single volley at each NPC.

In my opinion it would be more logical that once you tagged an NPC, that kill counts for your assignment as well, regardless of who gets the final blow. That way you don't have to worry about the kill ninja's walking around.