(10 replies, posted in Open discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Actually that's in the Czech Republic.

Remember, I'm American.  Anything out of the 50 states is Thar be Dragons big_smile


(56 replies, posted in Feature discussion and requests)

Translation: they try to think of everything at EVERY angle before posting, not just a dev standpoint?


(10 replies, posted in Open discussion)

http://assets.meanwhilein.org/hashed_si … 916089.jpg


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

It would be wrong for them to change.  I am proud of their constancy, tbh.  I mean, heck, who holds onto an 8 month old troll drill, only CIR smile  Brings back fun memories of everyone baiting each other endlessly.

I just hope for their own sakes they don't take it all -that- seriously wink  People railing and QQing at one another shouldn't actually damage the playground. smile


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

No hablo muy bien hmm


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

I didn't recognize any names so I admit I went to bed.  As it is I'm having trouble remembering how to play. lol

did notice apparently I wtb corp though winklol


(41 replies, posted in General discussion)

Aww I miss you guys. smile  Still to busy to play, but I'm curious to see how many points I've built up...

editd to add: Sad but true bit is this - I am far too familiar with 'the playerbase is too small' from a different area of MMOs at the moment, and the best people to fix that are the players.  It's sad to see everyone jaded, or life going on, but it happens.  Once a game launches, it is genuinely HARD to breathe new life back into it from a developers' standpoint short of literally -pulling the game down 100%- and relaunching with a full database wipe.  And seriously - who wants that?  It fails miserably 90% of the time. 

So endgame is still - players need to bring players.  Heck even if people just log in for karaoke nights on Tuesdays.  Doesn't matter.

Live events if possible can also help.  Sounds annoying as hell, but, they work.

I may log in specifically to be hostile.  So anyone in New Virgina better look out. >.> 



(25 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hey, it's got to be more fun than beating some random evil NPC when he spawns on the field... >.>


(12 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Sadly nothing until I heal - my WASD ability broke last month.  But Perp, some Forsaken World (got bored fast - F2P = no player loyalty so backstabbing worse than EVE ever was), and waiting for Tera.


(37 replies, posted in Open discussion)

To add to the confusion the last Elder Scrolls I played was Daggerfall where I ditched the plot to rob stores and go artifact hunting on a massive fashion quest.  Reflecting on it now, I've done just about the same in every sandbox since. wink


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

Serpens wrote:

  you shouldnt let your mouth write checks your *** can't cash

Always been my favorite saying. wink


(43 replies, posted in General discussion)

WTB Theolodica Combat Class Dropship.  wink


(14 replies, posted in General discussion)

Arga wrote:

MMO is a tuff business to be in.

As long as you keep yourself debt-clear you can run indefinitely.  It depends on whether the company backing it is powered by love or money (or, in Perp's case, cardboard robots driven by cats)


(41 replies, posted in Open discussion)

Just want to add that though a subscription model adds to "player entitlement" it also adds to player loyalty.  I can spend 2 months in a F2P and walk away without a backward wave(and have done) because I invested nothing into it.  It's a different mindset with a subscription mmo.  The give and take in a sub model is important.. people playing F2P for actual free (not using the cash-shop) are literally just bodies to warm the seats around those who ARE using the CS -- and to boot, then you compete with them via how much money you're willing to invest (Pay2Win), and if you don't invest, you don't win - Forsaken World is a pretty decent model of that.


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

If you built a char (statwise) for a job then trained it solely in that job, it is going to get less back (that's right, right?)  The people who got the most were those sort of stuck cross-training outside of theri stat specialties (I started off deciding on NEXUS/grop support not realising how impossible it was to get NEXUS modules for noobs, so crosstrained into EWAR, painfully so, and never rerolled because reassigning roles would have been a logistic nightmare.  So I got quite a bit back even being a "newer" Summer account).


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Zoom wrote:

Well that's because you unsubscribed smile
Go to your account management to fix the problem.

The newsletter is here btw.

Winter: hmm I think that's an easy fix.

Yeh it's just the backdrop of the email page is white, so it is showing light grey type on white.  I'm nitpicking, I know it smile It's great that you guys decided on the newsletter.


(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

And toast.  Don't forget toast with the coffee.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Wee, perfect!  But I need submit a QC issue with my email broswer:



I need to use the "push the no display proper button" sad

But then again im the last person still using an AOL browser soooo wink


(35 replies, posted in General discussion)

But you wouldn't be.

Most people who play F2P use the cash shop - either mintely or extensively, with an overall average of more $/mo going into the game.

F2P also leads to a lack of loyalty to the product.  I was playing a F2P the past couple of months, and can walka way without a backwards glance as I've lost nothing.

Besides, F2P/microtransactions gets annoying for one becuse tomake money the game locks everything that is"cool" ni the cash shop, and for two, 9.95 for 30 days game time *is* a microtransaction in the current F2P price ranges.

When you end up spending ~20USD for a mount, etc... "microtransaction" loses its meaning.


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

Main thing is going to be software setup, DJ documentation to run it.  Then scheduling, hopefully eventually figuring out an autoplayer so there's no radio silence - that stream the DJ's would'interrupt" for their live feeds.

So a lot of work, especially for me who knows nothing about this, and not something one person should (or wants to have to do) alone (that one person not being me, as I am computer "special") smile


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

A whole new crop of folks, awesome smile (and some "old" hehe)

Will have to see if the software/site etc is still set up (or can be done quickly).

P.S.  This sort of thing is going to take some planning.  So Serious Business rules apply at least till the silly serious stuff is done.


(13 replies, posted in General discussion)

DEV Calvin wrote:
Alexander wrote:
DEV Calvin wrote:

Well, brace for impact. We are sending out a newsletter along with tomorrow's patch.

You're alive! I thought they'd turned you into a forum bot. Glad to see so many devs recently.

If something has been up, legal or otherwise, then I hope it's passed now and you can get back to developing!

There has been a lot of progress the last month. Keep it up! cool

We just kept a low profile to avoid speculation, confusion and having to handle the related fallout. You'll be seeing more of us in the next few months.

Legal issues... low profile... is someone hiding from the authorities? *too tired to translate*

And yes.. eeeeemails!


(12 replies, posted in General discussion)

I now, I've been off awhile. but folks seem to be still intersted in getting the radio station running.  I know people hd put a lot of prepwork into it and it sort of fell flat when I had to vanish. 

So we; sort of need to bang heads together, as a lot of the beginning work was done, finishig this and gettign it live shouldn't take too much more time.

So who is still interested in DJing/helping out?


(19 replies, posted in News and information)

Put blatant advert post on my FB. Why not?  Faster than complaining about the dozen roses mailed to my house expansion. wink