Not to seem ungrateful here but the US players at work will have to wait before they can get back to the game. I'd be suprised if their is anything in quantity left after the Euros have had 6+ hours to look for it.
welcome to america lol
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Perpetuum Forums → Posts by TeamBETAalpha
Not to seem ungrateful here but the US players at work will have to wait before they can get back to the game. I'd be suprised if their is anything in quantity left after the Euros have had 6+ hours to look for it.
welcome to america lol
Well... if the DEVs start wiping whole corps inventories.... while I understand that it's done in order to rebalance the game, I fear it's going to make a lot more players leave, than it will ever benefit the game.
Maybe it's time for a whole server wipe? that could actually be fun.
well i got my two cents in, this my ticket to leave forums for today and wait to get online when I get home later, this game turning more into a fat man in a sealed container with the runs....just getting messy with no way of cleaning it up. And to boot like all exploits in this game I can imagine its been around awhile and now its a HUGE issue lol.
It's not like leaving the cheaters alone was going help the game either.
agree, but the open public harrassment im not sure helps a dieing population already. People see this lol, this second round of who we gonna tell told you so and yes I knew it was them, and then you find out how many others did it or what not and are like wow didnt know that. This game turning into a whine fest and to see who we can get banned etc from it.
Do I get honorable mention for being the straight man to Garg?
Now, with all the speculation, I hope the reality of the exploit lives up to the hype!
-- Glad to see you still posting Syndic!!
um he has not posted for a bit buddy lol. I hope this doesnt kill the population even more, this game doesnt need another hit to people leaving etc. This be pasted all over the place with only 300 people playing the game, expect to lose people.
of course it will, but people like you cannot attend, you would never have a neutral stance on things I can imagine, I could be wrong, please quote me if I am. The podcasts are not for egos and told you so's Crep...
that be new to me, every container ive ever looted was looted once, either took everything or took what I could fit in cargo.
DEV Calvin wrote:All accounts, equipment, commodities, knowledge bases and NIC in relation to these exploits have been removed from the game.
I suppose that this exploit is related to endless loot from npc or artifacts (because it involves research).
no dont think thats it. Loot will always be endless from the npcs and artifacts is a good way to earn nic, but if done wrong on beta islands a quick way to lose nic.
DEV Gargaj wrote:Arga wrote:Does Hungary have Take out?
Oh, we take stuff out all the time. Just watch.
+10 CoolPoints™
Well done.
any good chinese take out?
not yet, like two hours form now me thinks
Campana wrote:Crepitus, what does insurance fraud have to do with this...?
I fail to see the logic ^^
Maybe you should re-read the OP.
my guess is something with production of some sort? As i believe that is what Crep was talking about earlier, something to do with that sort, Im guessing. Please rephrase me if im off creppy You have so many accounts its hard to find the one you talk about
Annihilator wrote:Gut Punch wrote:You older players are unintentionally missing the point...
We don't need end-game massive money sinks for 50+ member corps. We need to encourage small 1-5 man groups to move out to beta. If the current trial and/or new members wanted to join a large corporation and move to the betas, they would have done so already. We need to provide a conduit for small groups of buddies to be effective - not just targets - in the betas. If the betas look good to people trying out the game, then they will stay. NPCs and POSes aside, there needs to be massive mechanics changes to increase the retention rate for new players.
thats actually a good post: there must be something, that a small group can get, to have a big enough advantage to survive against an already established opponent. While at the same time, this advantage must not be granted to said overwhelming faction that already has other advantages.
more or less a "handicap" system which is logical, not artifical, and hopefully not exploitable by splitting up in sub-groups.
Stuff like:
Increasing the difference between light bots, assaults, and mechs so that smaller bots actually have a place in PvP. It shouldn't be a guarenteed kill if you are bigger. More speed, smaller hit size, etc.
This game needs a "escape" mechanism. EVE had the Warp To/Warp Scrambler feature(s) which allowed for people to disengage from a fight. This does put the burden on the attacker to be quick but allows for the person being chased to screw up.
Reducing travel time between point A and B. Highways are nice. But they don't do the trick because they are fixed travel routes. There are plenty of reasons not to use the beaten path.
Anything related to reducing/increasing visbility cost too much in the way of fitting and accumulator to be effective on anything smaller than a mech.
These would be mechanics changes in the game. Other things related to money making and structures in the betas are topics to be covered as well.
the light bots are fine, in large numbers they can do damage, light ew can make a huge difference with alot of things, maybe not so much intrusions but be surprised what they can do in small gangs. They already fast enough the size is fine, without good precision most cant hit light to save their lives.
Again this is not eve online, there should not be warp out tactics. Thats one reason I like this game cause ocne your in the *** you either day or run. Its battlefield war, not space war, you can say omg Im outnumbered im gonna magically use my super hero powers and warp away.....stop quoting eve, this game does not need to turn more into eve.
Travel times are fine, its not like it takes a long time to get to point a and b, perhaps for those doing pve i can be a pain but its no different than any other game, quest so go here and come back. Travel times are fine, Im fine with taking 1 hour-2 hours the most to roam every island with a frame on a mech...that is not exactly a long time to travel lol.
Agree on last post, the modules should be light/assualt friendly when it comes to reactor, cpu cost etc.
+1 to above post. But Im pretty sure alot of the big corporations and as well long time players stock piled kernals etc from a long time ago, I hear alot about back when PO started there was alot of huge corp operations etc and alot of them still kept all their kernals etc. Before kernals dropped after every npc kill so I have no idea. You can get research up fairly quick though with the use of observer kernals, if your corp dedicates alot of time to artifact hunting and observer killing you can gain research fairly quickly.
i do recall I think SK or FNavy, one of the corps in norhoop alliance was going artifact crazy trying to get kernals from observers, i think it worked out well for them but I cannot be too sure.
sometimes i wished i could change the opacity of the profiling window and "embed" it like an external overlay - to give me data but not interfere with mouse imput.
I have tried that tracing route while i had lag issues, but with a steady ping of 60 (while moving around)
1. - 0 ms - 11013 (That was my home network IP)
2. - 42 ms - 11013 (Hop in germany)
3. - 48 ms - 11013 (hop in germany)
4. - 54 ms - 11013 (hop in hungary)
5. - 2097172 ms - 11010 (perpetuum server - crazy time)
6. - 58 ms - 11013 (hop in hungary)
7. - 59 ms - 11013 (hop in hungary)
8. - 60 ms - 11013 (hop in hungary)
9. - 59 ms - 11013 (hop in hungary)
10. - 59 ms - 0 (Perpetuum Server again)can someone explain me this?
im telling you anyone from the US gonna run into problems in germany. Seems alot is in frankfurt, huge packet losses. As far as what happened to you, could just be random. I will post a screenshot of my average ms with one account, around 250+ normal, good day it is 220. Location is twin Falls, id 30mb down/15mb upload is my current connection.
snarf!!! o_O I wanted to make a gun shooting a smiley but Im not smart to do that so this what you get: P- - - - - - x_X
yes thats my gun, dont make fun of me
TeamBETAalpha wrote:Celebro wrote:Unlimited supplies? You still need the money to buy them anyways. oh I see you guys have so much nic.
Supplies? Nic is a commodity/ a supply, if players start using the market, this idea of supplies will change.
...really, had throw out an excuse didnt you. Regardless of you has everything, endless nic etc. It still is the point it is a risk of limited one supplies to support the enemy, its part of warfare, basic market warfare. Its not rocket science. With more people yes it can become more feesable, your enemies are killing other enemies not of your own, that can help a corps pockets.
Ok you are saying that your corp supplies e.g modules/bot will drain, if you sell to the enemy, you are still getting nic for it, but I guess you don't need it as
so lets say I decide to put t4 items on the market and bring the sell value up twice the price they are worth, you saying im doing it wrong then and I should be fair and sell the t4 items at a reasonable cost as that is the nice thing to do?
Thanks for not popping me (enemies) and for moving me out of harm's way (devs) when I crashed lastnight.
eh....I have your kill mail. Yeah i figured you were crashing, had you at tp at first, first thought was afk or dc. Then you started running like 1000k a second while demobed lol, I was like wtf....lovely, imma lose this kill to lag lol. Then you did it again near station, saw you, then u dropped from grid...thought wow i didnt see him move, headed that way and u popped back up only to dc again I think.
TeamBETAalpha wrote:Celebro wrote:Unlimited supplies? You still need the money to buy them anyways. oh I see you guys have so much nic.
Supplies? Nic is a commodity/ a supply, if players start using the market, this idea of supplies will change.
...really, had throw out an excuse didnt you. Regardless of you has everything, endless nic etc. It still is the point it is a risk of limited one supplies to support the enemy, its part of warfare, basic market warfare. Its not rocket science. With more people yes it can become more feesable, your enemies are killing other enemies not of your own, that can help a corps pockets.
If you do research on Perpetuum properly, you can quite easily get in a position where you can flood the market with T4 and not limit your supplies in the slightest, on the contrary it can be a bottomless hat you pull stuff out of at will.
well it seems im not that lucky, everything I try to make makes me less rich lol. At least I have my souless mining alt that tries get some things for me...
You older players are unintentionally missing the point...
We don't need end-game massive money sinks for 50+ member corps. We need to encourage small 1-5 man groups to move out to beta. If the current trial and/or new members wanted to join a large corporation and move to the betas, they would have done so already. We need to provide a conduit for small groups of buddies to be effective - not just targets - in the betas. If the betas look good to people trying out the game, then they will stay. NPCs and POSes aside, there needs to be massive mechanics changes to increase the retention rate for new players.
just not enough people really for that atm, thats the problem. gonna say it too, same thing in eve, there were a few select corps that roamed 0.0 and that was it, the rest of the population was empire space .5+, i know I was there at the begginning, it took time, needless to say there was about 4k people at that time. I agree though, but you look at current situation not many small 1-5 gangs will roam, blob warfare has really taken its toll on anything worth a damn, the more you bring the higher your odds at winning are, that is the motto of the game right now. Its impossible to solo roam, as my earlier thread states, you either find nothing, find the unlucky or get blobed. I can think maybe changing mechanics might help but I have no idea what to do atm. Perhaps make one big island and make it corp warfare, where you can declare war on another corp and only go to that island to kill each other...not sure, that would only turn into a band wagon of declaring war on such corp and gang banging the, something larger corps could take advantage of from the smaller corps.
I really think we need something a corporation has to bust their *** for to achieve, station building, outpost building, repairing, etc. Or perhaps supplying such outpost with energy crystals to keep the op running. That would surely get corps involved to work together, specially if such corp owned an outpost they would be the only ones to provide the energy for, make energy non tradable. Owning an op right now is not exaclty OMFG WE HAVE AN OP...
Alexander wrote:Very few people are buying high tier modules and if they are buying them it's usually just giving the enemy "Unlimited Supplies" as they call it.
I don't see many people selling to the market as it tend to help others and as they all need beta island materials it's an odd idea to make your enemies more powerful in the risk of limiting your own supplies.
Unlimited supplies? You still need the money to buy them anyways. oh I see you guys have so much nic.
Supplies? Nic is a commodity/ a supply, if players start using the market, this idea of supplies will change.
...really, had throw out an excuse didnt you. Regardless of you has everything, endless nic etc. It still is the point it is a risk of limited one supplies to support the enemy, its part of warfare, basic market warfare. Its not rocket science. With more people yes it can become more feesable, your enemies are killing other enemies not of your own, that can help a corps pockets.
Corp markets have killed the public market
game doesnt have enough people to fill the standard markets with t4 items. Either give it time or it will be this way for awhile. No corp is gonna fill the market with all sorts of t4, it takes the advantage away. Atm that would not be good.
i think in the end really what we need is some grand goal corporations can try to achieve, i like the posts here, i hope the devs are reading. A corporation trying to build an outpost and defend while building one would be epic in itself, that would give anyone a reason to push hard etc etc.
Maybe im missing something here... We already have large battles. m2s got ~50 heavy mechs blown up recently right? There's plenty of fighting -- when there's people to fight. There was plenty of roaming for the same benefit, or even less really back in the early days. There were even more intrusions then too, i think. Imagine our current dynamic with 1000 more people to join in on the fun. Lets make the game a little more enjoyable for the general public, and gobs of them will stay.
Besides, this will help in more areas then pvp. You'll have more people mining, more people making things, more people farming stuff... the market will get a huge boost from people actually using it. All great things for the game, and which is what people have been saying "we need more people." In order to do that sometiems you have to cater to the lowest denomination.
agree but the biggest problem is, at the current state of the game, you everyone decided to drop the NAP, would you see that many big fights let along 50 m2s heavies dieing etc...probably not.
nice work mate, glad to see people doing stuffage like this, really helps the game, cheers
im curious as well, id like to see what your rates are for killing myself and Jelan. Id like to have a manhunt contest.
I agree completely, its good to see new corps actually coming out and giving it a run, small bots + t1 stuff is a good way to learn but also a fun way to do things, cheap and gives the fun, that is what matters most. Keep coming guys, atm you guys have much more respect than most
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