(27 replies, posted in Bugs)

DEV Zoom wrote:

If anyone can consistently reproduce this, I'm all ears, cause I can't smile

After completing the cycle, the progress bar on the module (miner or harvester) to stop appearing.
Most commonly occurs after reloading (miner or harvester) charges, and the module continues to work because the field (or plant) is not exhausted.
It does not happen with all the modules, but only with some (randomly).
It looks as if the module is disabled, but counter charge be reduced after each cycle.
It's confusing because you do not know whether the module is on or off.
The problem disappears after I click on the module. But when I clicked on the module, I shut it, so I have to re-start.

DEV Gargaj  was faster than me.

However, placing the screenshot.

http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i38 … _error.jpg


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

DEV Alf wrote:

did you use co-processors? they were changed

Yes, I use Standard (T1) coprosessor.
If I remember correctly, he had 10% of CPU performance as of now.

Head: 1 x standard coprocessor, 2 x T4 industrial tuning, 1 x T1 industrial tuning
Legs: 1 x standard small armor rep., 2 x standard acc. recharger, 1 x standard medium aux. accumulator

4 x standard medium harvester


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

After expansion, the fit that I had the Gargoyle is no longer possible because I do not have enough CPU.
Fited modules consume 407 CPU, I had exactly 407 before the expansion, after expansion, I have only 389 CPU.
I have not seen the notice that something changed in the expansion which would have caused a reduction in the CPU.


(3 replies, posted in Resolved bugs and features)

Location: Attalica

Tiles: (1070.00,1064.00)
(1068.00, 1059.00)

Robot: Sequer

Problem: I Can't pass through this tile.
I do not see any obstacle that would have been the reason for that.

Nearby there is a lot of tile that are marked as impassable, even if they are on flat ground and there's no plants or anything else.