Topic: More clarification on EULAs.
Now before we even start, this is not a call out thread, a troll tread or even a rage thread. I'm just a little puzzled and would like a little explaining done.
It has came to my attention that certain players are being called in what they term "offensive" names and abuse a certain mechanic in game enmass. I being a player who is an adult and do what most adults do and tolerate and laugh.
I guess my question is simple: Is hazing and harassing verbally through text, with NON vulgar words considered against the EULA and if so should we send support tickets?
Example: A fellow Aussie player friend of mine says to an enemy in private chat OR vicinity, "Come fight us you soft co*ks!" Is this too offensive for a mature game?
Example: "Stop being a chicken and undock"
And I love being Called VILE instead of V-E-E-LAY(@Skymarshal Brandon)
And I am not trying to troll no body, but players say highly offensive things to me all the time and I laugh and go on about it, do I in turn need to start submitting tickets because my efeelings where hurt or can we just have a general consensus as long as its not vulgar we just need to be adults and shrug it off. I don't want to bog Zoom down with tickets, and I am willing to let things go(and behave) but it's a little one sided which pisses me off. Or as Hunter says "Why crybaby win?"
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.