Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

I think that deleting whole cargo in one click is little strange, but there should be chance to destroy it when bot is blown up.
Make it max 20% to 50% cargo that will not be lost after death.


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

ok heres my idea:

i we are gonna keep flogging the risk vs reward and real life ideas
it takes time to load something and just as long if not longer to unload it

so i say add a timer to deleting and have the same timer to opening a can

that way if you blow someone up fine  good on you better get the trolley out and start picking through the salvage


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

the sequer driver shouldnt be in PVP area in the first place if he isnt man enough to lose the loot to the other player if he was stupid enough to go there without an escort.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

If you aren't supposed to get the cargo of players you kill, why bother dropping it at all? Just auto-destroy it.

And while you're at it, give Sequers carebear stares. We could have epic battles like this.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

I think this is an interesting topic really. As an industrial player I've lost a couple Arganos already and I actually never even thought of deleting my cargo before being killed. The principle reason was that I believed that I still had a chance to save it and my bot so I didn't just give up and wait to be killed. There has been a lot of talk about the "right" to a kill's loot, and I can see the argument for it. It doesn't seem fair that 10x a combat bots cargo hold in goods could be instantly evaporated, yet at the same time this is a science fiction universe where every agent's consciousness is sent through a wormhole to infect an intelligent alien robot or three. However, the one argument I haven't seen posed is the failure of the pvper or pirate to coordinate the ambush effectively. For example, initiating an attack when the target is close to a safe zone, but just out of reach, would give the pilot pause in destroying his or her cargo long enough for the attackers to destroy his or her bot. This does make the pvpers job more difficult, but on the flip side, it is also considerably difficult to get through a beta island trade route unmolested which will only cause less and less Sequers to pass through. However, whether or not the deletion characteristic is fixed I would never destroy my cargo simply because the advantages of depriving a potential future enemy of resources do not outweigh the disadvantages of antagonizing that same enemy into making you a permanent member of their hit list.

106 (edited by Crynth 2010-12-15 16:18:49)

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

If they're going to allow instant and permanent cargo deletion, then they may as well make it a feature, and have the game delete all your cargo on death. It would save everyone some clicks whenever they die.


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

To butcher the master;

To delete or not to delete, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the lasers and missiles of outrageous fortune or click and create a sea of troubles.

Typically if you can do a thing in an MMO, you will. But certainly Gerrick brings up a good point, which is also typical of MMO’s, whatever you do will likely piss someone off.

108 (edited by Lupus Aurelius 2010-12-15 21:31:55)

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Diificult issue.  Granted, the cargo is the property of the owner, and has the right to do with it what they want.  However, the attacker is risking potential retaliation, and therfore his risk should have a reward.  Personally, I find it lame that someone would delete their cargo, because, frankly, if I did not take proper precautions I deserve to lose it.  Also, though, if I can deny my foe their reward in retaliation for them attacking me, I at least have the satisfaction of "flipping them the bird".

Here is a possible concept that might work as a compromise.  If a bot has been targeted, is under attack, and taking damage, then some of it's storage access might also take damage.  Other than ammo, for obvious reason, maybe the way to work this is that whatever percentage of damage that bot has, that percentage of cargo cannot be accessed for deletion or use.

This still leaves the bot under attack the ablity to deny it's attackers a portion of his/her cargo, yet still leave some to drop.  Depending on how hard and fast you are able to apply damage, will determine how much of the cargo cannot be deleted.

EDIT:  Perhaps this should be worked starting with targeting.  If a bot gets targeted, 25% of it's cargo immediately cannot be deleted.  As damage is applied, for every percent of it's total hp damage, that percent of the cargo, in addition to the 25%, is not deletable.

In the gods we trust, all others bring data!

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

I agree with the DEV on this one. I like the idea of scuttling. It just seems more logical to me that a driver would have the ability to scuttle his cargo. But perhaps this can be turned into a game mechanic. What if there was the ability to jam the person bot so they were unable to scuttle their ship. Seems like a good middle ground. Someone can still spec and play as a pirate but they would have to spend points to jam/diffuse/disarm the opponents ability to scuttle.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

I like this idea, more extensions for piratry, jamming, hacking yarr

111 (edited by BigCountry 2010-12-16 14:44:48)

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

A deletion item timer is the easiest and fastest way to fix it. That's how they addressed it in Darkfall.

Right click, select all, wait 120 seconds, then items will delete etc.

Simple and sweet. This way drivers can still delete cargo, but it puts more pressure on them when they chose to do so. Not an instant "f you", etc.



Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Hornswoggler wrote:

I agree with the DEV on this one. I like the idea of scuttling. It just seems more logical to me that a driver would have the ability to scuttle his cargo. But perhaps this can be turned into a game mechanic. What if there was the ability to jam the person bot so they were unable to scuttle their ship. Seems like a good middle ground. Someone can still spec and play as a pirate but they would have to spend points to jam/diffuse/disarm the opponents ability to scuttle.

that's the best idea atm. i like it more than any timers. deleting a cargo should be a part of mechanic such as an ability to prevent that. this will be more realistic. says, kinda cargo destroyer and destroyer jammer modules. some kind of hardeners for them both, and a skills ofc.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Easier Way:
1. Click Delete
2. Trash Can Appears like a Container but with a 4 number digit chosen by the owner
3. If owner gets down / dies the 4 Digit Number remains for 1 minute, after 61 seconds its free for all

So has the owner the chance to get his items back(for wrong clicking tongue) and the bad boys have to wait 1 minute to get his stuff

Fair for all!

Pirates get the Stuff
Other Good Boys can save the stuff if the number is known

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)


    No one can delete their cargo.  If you dont want said item, you Jettison it.  If you dont want the pirates/pvp/otherguy to get it, dont bring it to open pvp area.  If you want to blow up, its a 2 min timer.  When you blow, everything you hold has the same standard drop rates as if you had been blown up by pirates/pvp/otherguy.  There is no way for you to destroy your cargo, as explosives will not destroy everything.  You cannot delete it as unless this  is the Matrix, everything exists. 

Dont walk it if you cant afford to lose it.  And that goes for everyone.


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

From a role playing perspective, instantly deleting your cargo in the middle of the land is not very role-play like.  If I'm driving a truck down the highway, and I want to destroy everything in my truck, it's going to take me some time to destroy everything.  I'd have to pull over and start whacking at things with a sledgehammer and setting things on fire.  Or blow everything up with a button, myself included.  Even then, some things might survive the explosion.

As far as "scuttling" on a ship to destroy cargo... I haven't found the boat-robots yet in this game, and I'm pretty sure this game takes place on land, not water.  Scuttling on land doesn't work very well, it's the equivalent of driving down the highway and throwing stuff out the window, a good amount of the stuff you chuck out the window will be recoverable, some of the equipment may need to be repaired, but if you start throwing raw materials like steel bars and wood planks out the window, pretty much all of it would be recoverable by just picking it up off the side of the road.

Jettisoning your cargo with a short timer is more realistic.  Make jettisoned cans not be password protected, FFA containers, with short timer (ie 5 minutes).  Maybe do something like equipment jettisoned is randomly damaged in the process (jettisoning is rough on the equipment!), materials remain intact.  It would at least be more realistic.

Destroying instantly in a station is fine, since it's likely that stations would have have incinerators which melt and burn everything you throw into it near-instantly.

116 (edited by BigCountry 2010-12-16 19:56:38)

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Jettisoning your cargo with a short timer is more realistic.  Make jettisoned cans not be password protected, FFA containers, with short timer (ie 5 minutes).  Maybe do something like equipment jettisoned is randomly damaged in the process (jettisoning is rough on the equipment!), materials remain intact.  It would at least be more realistic.

This would also create more "sandbox" to PvP around....I like that suggestion. I like it a lot actually. You could loot the jettisoned cans, leave1 item, but someone might not know that. So it would attract more PvP to it's a good way to pin point where some PvP took (if you were running around looking). being you would see the container box etc...

Very good suggestion.



Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

If you have a jettison feature, you also have to have some restrictions to how often you can do that.  I suggested a long time ago that you can only have 1 jettison can at a time to prevent can spamming.

I am Perpetuum's Most Dangerous Agent and an equal opportunity troll.
-> You just lost The Game <-
"Perpetuum sounds like a something I would stick up my *** for enjoyement." -Kaito Kurusaki


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

DEV Zoom wrote:


You guys need to stop thinking this is some kind of "DEV Simon says" game. When I'm discussing things with you on the forums, think of me like just another player trying to make the game better.

Being a DEV doesn't mean at all that what I say is the ultimate truth and you all need to shut up. So please stop with that ooh how can a dev say this, he doesn't understand this game at all! *ragequit*

You are absolutely right.  However, when you say things like:

"Just to be clear neither of these are actual exploits." with a "DEV" near your title, you've turned this from a "let's have a discussion about balance" thread into a "this is the official policy, you're wrong".  So do we try to convince you it is an exploit if we think it is?  Or acquiesce and just accept this is the way it is?


"the fact that real life references are always flawed since this is a game" Well, real life references are flawed for all things that involve interpretation of one person's reality in explanation to another.  It's like you're saying "stop trying to convince me my opinion is wrong using similes".  What do you want, a mathematical proof? 

You obviously are doing the right thing by telling us what "the policy" is (something is or is not an exploit) - but don't shoot down entire methods to convince you of seeing something a different way because there it might be partially "flawed".  There will always be something lost in translation.



Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)


I've posted this a couple times in other threads, real life analogies are good for explaining how something works, but it is not valid as an arguement for changing or even validating a game mechanic.

Valid arguements reference the mechanic and how it effects the game or your gaming experience.

I'm not expecting people to stop using them as arguements, simply pointing out that if your trying to convince the dev's to adjust something, or other players to see your point of view, references to real life or even other games isn't going to hold up.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Snift wrote:

You are absolutely right.  However, when you say things like:

"Just to be clear neither of these are actual exploits." with a "DEV" near your title, you've turned this from a "let's have a discussion about balance" thread into a "this is the official policy, you're wrong".  So do we try to convince you it is an exploit if we think it is?  Or acquiesce and just accept this is the way it is?

The main reason I said that is because if we would officially call this an exploit then we'd have to start banning people for using it.

Anyway, the patch on 22nd should bring an improvement regarding this topic.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Did anyone suggest maybe you are killing empty squeakers? lol


Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

DEV Zoom wrote:


You guys need to stop thinking this is some kind of "DEV Simon says" game. When I'm discussing things with you on the forums, think of me like just another player trying to make the game better.

Being a DEV doesn't mean at all that what I say is the ultimate truth and you all need to shut up. So please stop with that ooh how can a dev say this, he doesn't understand this game at all! *ragequit* (I think this is one of the reasons the other devs are not that active on the forums).
I am merely trying to think globally, and not just silently nod with acceptance on the first post of the loudest pvp'ers while the majority of the playerbase doesn't even look here.

Back on topic, I still think there is no "right" in this issue that would be fair for everyone. A middleground, perhaps.

People on any forums are like that. By responding to whine threads like this with in game changes that nobody really needs you encourage them. The fact nobody from the three alliances that do 90% of the pvp wanted it should have been a good indicator.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

Jita wrote:

By responding to whine threads like this with in game changes that nobody really needs you encourage them. The fact nobody from the three alliances that do 90% of the pvp wanted it should have been a good indicator.

I don't quite get this. Almost all of us wanted some restriction on being able to delete cargo into thin air, but (as usual) we don't like how it was implemented.

"...playing a game is the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles."
Bernard Suits, 1978

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)

i miss the games like "Diablo 2" where you couldn't "delete" your items. you just throw them out on the ground and there everyone can see and loot them.

but its a problem of the game mechanic, that loot spawns in containers.

Re: 2 Exploits Need Patches For ASAP To Fix PvP (Easy Fixes)


I may be new to Perpetuum but it's obvious to me the cargo system needs some work. In order to let the carebears better understand what pvpers are experiencing I propose a solution. Make mobs delete cargo in pve just before they die. The game suddenly became a lot less fun huh? That's exactly how pvpers feel.

The best suggestion I've read so far was a "trash bin" where deleted items went until a set time had passed before vanishing completely. Those items in the trash bin would not count towards taking up space in your cargo yet could still drop upon death.

Problem solved.