Re: The failings of a free market
If i could in a day go to the terminals I want to sell at and place items there and either put them on the market for 6 months at a time or do remote sell orders then I would fill the market with all types of mods and bots but until that happens i feel no need to spend hours upon hours managing sell orders.
This would make me a very happy camper. I'd love to be able to PvP a bit but I cannot really afford the losses; if supply was high then prices could fall... provided some smarty pants with a bazillion NIC doesn't buy everything he can in the name of 'market PvP'.
EDIT: Also the systems you describe are essentially facist: NIC becomes a 'token' which can be redeemed with the Company Store for items of value. The relaitve worth and merit of an individual are not accounted for as an individual can be denied access to their 'deserved' items arbitrarily by their superiors.
In a truly Capitalist Corp all produced items would go on the open market before they went on the internal market and they would be placed at prices intended to see them sell so long as a profit of some kind could be made. Selling to ones enemies would be a matter of risk versus reward.
In a true Communal Corp all members would have access to all folders and production would carry on for the good of all.
Only the first of these systems has a hope in hell of working, just ask China.
-:does speak for NSA on the forums:-