Although I don't agree with the tactics that Chaos use to drop the walls and get agents inside the base, I will say the fights with them were some of the best and most nerve wracking I've had.
I dont like the tactics because they do go against common sense, a manual terraformer wont work if the slope is too great and a beacon terraformer wont work if other objects are too close, .... why should a building be able to circumvent these laws ...
I actually have less issue with the terminal undocking/docking mechanic ... simply because it was a creative idea. However, my distance to a target is affected by height, and by this game law so should the random deploy distance from a terminal ... if its 120 m, you should not be able to land on a platform thats 500 m above your head ...
That said ... there were some basic weaknesses in the base that Chaos targeted ...and for this reason the Devs should not rush to change game mechanics without proper thought ..... CiR wasnt the happiest that we were able to roll thru their first temporary base and destroy everything and reinforce the main buildings ... the end result was now only 2 structures can be outright destroyed and the rest require a minimum of 2 trips ... all because of bad base design and not a faulty game mechanic. If you the Devs do make changes, and some are needed here, please understand the cause and effect when you do it.
My simple suggestion is to take the same game mechanics that measure distance to a target apply to terminal deployment
And use the same mechanics that decide if a slope is too steep and apply that to the building smoothing process, dont eliminate the process entirely, try and modify it to make it work.