As Cassius, I spoke on Gen Chat immediately after the battle with AIG ... I spoke quite freely and explained a few things ...
I'll repeat them ... and if you want to spin, go ahead.
The bug first occured to us when we died in the first insertion into your gamma. Exactly why the Seth died twice has been explained in this thread. When the bug occured we had no idea why or what caused it ... only later suspecting that it may have come from the patch the night before. We retreated as the attack was over. We as a corp discussed the bug and I sent the support ticket into the Devs. We got a fairly quick response. At the same time we had some bots, not involved in this attack, but safelogged on Novaya. When these players did what they do, they attempted to "arkhe port" back home by dying on CIR turrets, only to be respawned at their log off points. They then tried to die to npcs, and respawned again on the island. they in a sense were trapped on the island ... we passed this info along to AC. They told us it would be fixed the next day. We decided to have these bots die in a fire ... so we sent them to the AIG sap ...and discovered that it was not only a gamma island bug.
At this point we decided to have fun ... and respawned and shot and got shot. At one point we decided to try for the sap, and then stood down from the sap as it became apparent if we did take it (if we could, there was a strong defence) then we would have definitely gained something from this bug.
Some bots were affected and some weren't. And sometimes people make mistakes. While having this impromtu fun ... I did not take into consideration that the bots I killed, and didnt respawn, represented a real cost to the target. AIG, AIC, and BOS are welcome to convo me personally with a figure that I will happily reimburse to those corps.
Dying 8 or nine times in a heavy would not have occured had the bot not respawned ... and at that time we did not know how to prevent it ... so stating the market suffered is a moot point as if the bot stayed dead, the engagement would have ended.
Spin it any way you want ... Im telling you what occured, and why. Did we use bad judgement in the attack at Kara ... maybe.
Did we gain anything from this? No.
In the end, the Devs will decide, not these forums. And convo me directly on either Atticus, Brutux, or Cassius and I will tell you anything you wish to know.
And Lemon .... yes you rolled us tonight, gj to you and CIR and Friends ...