Topic: [Service] Community prototyper
Hello all,
I have the following tech available for prototype at cost price. Cost price is roughly 1250% of components section + t3 of item + build cost (less than 500k per)
Armor plate small t4
Armor plate medium t4
Armor repair small t4
Armor repair medium t4
Remote armor repair small t3
Remote armor repair medium t1
Chemical hardener t4
Kinetic hardener t4
Seismic hardener t3
Thermal hardener t4
Universal hardener t4
Light weight frame t4
Armor repair tuning t4
Shield generator small t4
Shield generator medium t4
Shield hardener t4
Energy transfer small t4
Energy transfer medium t4
Energy drainer small t4
Energy drainer medium t3
Energy neutralizer small t4
Energy neutralizer medium t4
Accumulator recharger t4
Corereactor t4
Auxiliary accumulator small t4
Auxiliary accumulator medium t4
Energy injector small t3
Energy injector medium t4
Evasive module t4
ERP kinetic t2
ERP siesmic t2
ERP thermal t1
Sensor amp t4
Remote sensor amp t4
Cargo scanner t4
Chassis scanner t4
Coprocessor t4
Range extenders t4
Signal detectors t3
Signal maskers t3
Target markers t4
Short range demob t4
Long range demob t3
ECM t4
Suppressor t4
Interference module t4
Small miner t4
Medium miner t3
Industrial tuning t4
Geoscanner t4
Small harvester t4
Medium harvester t3
Weapons - all t4 apart from short range medium lasers and medium missile launchers
Magnetic tuning t2
Firearms tuning t4
Laser tuning t3
Missile tuning t3
Weapon stabilizer t4
Velocity t3
Assault t4
EW t4
Armor t4
Industrial t3
Farlock t4
Lock booster t4
Evasive t4
Repairer t4
Critical hit t3
Recharger t2
Fast extractor t2
Shield t3
If i'm not online mail me what you want and i'll provide exact quotes.