Topic: New devblog: A new home
The new blog with a glimpse of the new website deploying during tomorrow's downtime:
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The new blog with a glimpse of the new website deploying during tomorrow's downtime:
The new website design is nice. Good Job.
Indeed very nice
No blue bot? It's racism!
No blue bot? It's racism!
Blue bots are OP, so they can't be here
Ok now we got some blue. Gropho watching how im fapping my e-peen and its more annoying than cellar cat.
website too shiny
looks very nice... good work guys!
im sure a kain will show up soon an point a gun at that gropho
I must say that after a few hours browsing the forums the background is distracting and eye-tiring.
The new colours are bright and vivid but they also start to feel too in your face after a while.
This forum is nice. I like the new background. My kids had seizures because of all new colors, and it's your fault dev gargaj!
having forum most the time on second screen, which is not widescreen, i do not have any issues with background.
its probably more distracting on very high res widescreens.
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