Topic: New devblog: The Great Big Revamp
Our latest blogpost talks about the impending changes to current game features in detail: … ig-revamp/
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Our latest blogpost talks about the impending changes to current game features in detail: … ig-revamp/
Nice one!
The ownership will be decided in the period of two Intrusions. Losing the first Intrusion, the defenders will lose docking access management rights and the second will decide the new owner of the outpost. Later on the Intrusion timer system will also be revisited.
This is nonsence. Give defenders one pieriod between intrusions to haul out stuff.
The ownership will be decided in the period of two Intrusions. Losing the first Intrusion, the defenders will lose docking access management rights and the second will decide the new owner of the outpost. Later on the Intrusion timer system will also be revisited.
This is nonsence. Give defenders one pieriod between intrusions to haul out stuff.
It doesn't say lose docking rights, it says lose docking access management rights. Losers will still be able to haul out stuff after the first loss.
Alexadar wrote:00...
The ownership will be decided in the period of two Intrusions. Losing the first Intrusion, the defenders will lose docking access management rights and the second will decide the new owner of the outpost. Later on the Intrusion timer system will also be revisited.
This is nonsence. Give defenders one pieriod between intrusions to haul out stuff.
It doesn't say lose docking rights, it says lose docking access management rights. Losers will still be able to haul out stuff after the first loss.
Thank you! Im noob!
Probably one of the most anticipated features since launch is the autopilot. Good news everyone, the time has come. You will be able to add waypoints in a certain order to create routes. When the autopilot is engaged, it will follow the route. Although plants that may grow in the path will block the robots, it’s worth noting that there are already many paths connecting the main landmarks that are cleared of these annoying vegetables. Have fun finding them and plot away!
Why is it called Zombiepilot?* Because it is really dumb and will literally do nothing more than try to lurch its way towards the next waypoint. Braaaiiinns!
* It's not, actually.
Saw this^. Got one of these: … 712_08.jpg
HOLD UP. Even *** jokes gotta stop for something important.
With the Aug15 changes comes the +/- EP thing. Rather than making it a first 30 days for everyone (which means none of us newbies from June can really use it) make it a 30 days from THIS patch OR 30 days from neurointegration. Otherwise you are gonna see a great purge the week before, basically wiping out your goal on that front.
The day resets are turned off should give anyone with an used free reset the option to change any extensions level 5 or under for 30 days (Just like the system suggested).
Simples. Used your free reset? It's gone
Why do we need so manyattributes, if people mostly using only two attribute builds?
Why do we need attributes, anyway?
Just in case it got lost ... Woo! for the PVE content improvements
The influx of players brought light to a lot of glitches, imbalances and dysfunctional mechanisms in the game, so instead of rushing forward and pushing out new features in the next weeks, we are taking a step back and making everything that is available in the game better.
I love you guys (and girls?). Your development methodologies are excellent and much appreciated
Reading over the list I can honestly say I like and agree with all the proposed changes and at least don't foresee any downsides.
Just one concern/query relating to the extension changing. For existing characters, can there be some grace period for those older than 30 days? I'm sure I'll be within the 30 day window but I think it would be better to allow people the opportunity for a one time extension clean-up without a full reset.
I know I have a few level 1/2 extensions I want to get rid of because I wont use them or misunderstood their purpose. Hardly worth resetting over.
Apart from that looks like fun times ahead
Also, notice that many .. all? .. of the changes were discussed in the forums, probably with input from IRC and other sources without a direct Dev post, but they listened to our issues, and while we don't have all the details about the solutions, they're working on them. Fantastic.
The day resets are turned off should give anyone with an used free reset the option to change any extensions level 5 or under for 30 days (Just like the system suggested).
Simples. Used your free reset? It's gone
This please!!
I have a lot of extensions around 5, some I can still use, but I think I would probably just 0 out everything I could given the opportunity. I didn't get to reset because of losing all the kernel research, even if older accounts aren't able to use this feature, I think it's an excellent compromise for the new accounts instead of a reset.
I'm of the opinion all attributes should be very even with a minor increase in a single direction.
Some people would prefer more half and half characters where specialised accounts just get to do more stuff sooner rather than half and half characters getting to do things much much later.
I'll admit I generally prefer an "all-rounder" character, but when alts are viable I'm happy to specialise. One combat and one industrial.
Currently all involved in high level production have to grind their relations up towards the relevant factions to achieve competitive results on the market.
This is quite unfair, as these characters typically have little extension points invested in combat, so their combat extension spending comes at an expensive rate and they are forced into activities they may not prefer.
Henceforth, the combat mission relations will not be effecting production. Industrial mission relations will still be calculated, as the facilities currently used by the Agents are owned and loaned by the Syndicate.
If I lose any of my Relation % due to this change .. im Uninstalling and getting rid of my 10 ACCOUNTS
But really .. this is very vage ... what are you saying here?
Combat Assignments wont give relationship bonus anymore .. so Indy people will have a harder time getting higher relationship standings?
Doesnt that also effect Mission runners?
I must not be reading this right .. someone help me out here ...
I must not be reading this right .. someone help me out here ...
I believe it is referring to Industrial characters being offered combat assignments. That would most likely mean that you would no longer be offered combat assignments for your industrial relations.
Likewise combat relations should no longer offer mining assignments.
I don't believe it will affect currently acquired relations, simply making assignments more logical.
Suggestion for the "Beta outposts" change
Before you get this ingame - I think you should move players items from outposts to the beta terminal of whatever island so they still have access to there stuff ...
I'm thinking about players who are away on vacation and such .. with yearly subscriptions ..
I can only imagine them coming back .. seeing this new change and finding out they cant get to all there robots, items etc ..
I'm of the opinion all attributes should be very even with a minor increase in a single direction.
Some people would prefer more half and half characters where specialised accounts just get to do more stuff sooner rather than half and half characters getting to do things much much later.
I'll admit I generally prefer an "all-rounder" character, but when alts are viable I'm happy to specialise. One combat and one industrial.
There's a problem with attributes and I'm a sad panda now that they are changing the respec mechanics without having addressed the real problem with attributes.
Atributes in Perpetuum do not obey the "diminishing returns" rule. In fact the opposite is true: each 1 point increase in an attribute gives you MORE advantage than the previous point gave you.
As a consequence the best "all rounder" is the character that have put all attribute points in whatever you'll train more. If you train 55% combat and 45% industry, you are still better off with a 100% military attribute setup than with any other combination.
I so hoped they changed this and then gave everybody some time to adapt with full respecs available, before removing them.
DaOpa wrote:I must not be reading this right .. someone help me out here ...
I believe it is referring to Industrial characters being offered combat assignments. That would most likely mean that you would no longer be offered combat assignments for your industrial relations.
Likewise combat relations should no longer offer mining assignments.
I don't believe it will affect currently acquired relations, simply making assignments more logical.
You'll be offered the same assignments. But the relations you get from combat assignments will no more influence your use of the factories or your refining. Therefore an industrialist will no more need to grind combat assignments before he can build stuff.
You'll be offered the same assignments. But the relations you get from combat assignments will no more influence your use of the factories or your refining.
Industrial corporations shouldn't be offering combat assignments at all in my opinion. With this change they become even more pointless.
Same goes for combat corporations offering mining or logistic assignments.
Alexander wrote:I'm of the opinion all attributes should be very even with a minor increase in a single direction.
Some people would prefer more half and half characters where specialised accounts just get to do more stuff sooner rather than half and half characters getting to do things much much later.Rodger Wilcoe wrote:I'll admit I generally prefer an "all-rounder" character, but when alts are viable I'm happy to specialise. One combat and one industrial.
There's a problem with attributes and I'm a sad panda now that they are changing the respec mechanics without having addressed the real problem with attributes.
Atributes in Perpetuum do not obey the "diminishing returns" rule. In fact the opposite is true: each 1 point increase in an attribute gives you MORE advantage than the previous point gave you.
As a consequence the best "all rounder" is the character that have put all attribute points in whatever you'll train more. If you train 55% combat and 45% industry, you are still better off with a 100% military attribute setup than with any other combination.
I so hoped they changed this and then gave everybody some time to adapt with full respecs available, before removing them.
isn't puttin 100% in specilization?
i mean i would hope that 10 was better than 9 other wise there was no reason to get it. theres no reason to invest the EP in it.
isn't puttin 100% in specilization?
i mean i would hope that 10 was better than 9 other wise there was no reason to get it. theres no reason to invest the EP in it.
Of course 10 is better than 9. But when you want to train two different things, are you going to invest in both or are you going to invest in one only? The way Perpetuum works right now is that you'd better invest in one only. Far better.
Those that specialize in one and only one thing will always be better served by investing only in what the specialize for. Those that do not specialize only one thing, and maybe want to develop two different opposite aspects, should be better served by investing in both aspects. This is not the case in Perpetuum: they are still better served by investing in only one of the two things they are going to develop. Even if they are going to develop them equally.
Pak wrote:You'll be offered the same assignments. But the relations you get from combat assignments will no more influence your use of the factories or your refining.
Industrial corporations shouldn't be offering combat assignments at all in my opinion. With this change they become even more pointless.
Same goes for combat corporations offering mining or logistic assignments.
You have a point. I'll have to check. I thought that industrial corporations already only offer industrial assignments, logistics corporations logistic assignments and military corporations military assignments.
The main problem, however, is another. Currently the benefits you get when using a factory (or prototype facility etc. etc.) depend on the "faction standings" as a whole. And these are, currently, the average of all corp standings. Therefore an industrialist (which needs to be efficient or he'll just lose money instead of making it) currently must rise his standings with all corporations, including military corporations that only offer military assignments.
There are, therefore, two possible solutions. Either all corporations (including military) will offer all kind of assignments, or they change the "faction standing" calculations and split it into "faction industrial standing" and "faction military standing" (and "faction logistics standing") each computed only from the standings with those specific corps and then change the factory bonuses so that they use the industrial standing but are not affected by the military ones.
Note that it's irrelevant whether the corporations offer only their own specific assignments or not. As long as an industrial corporation does offer you multiple industrial assignments, it's irrelevant whether they also offer you military ones. Just do not do them, if you are not interested.
change the "faction standing" calculations and split it into "faction industrial standing" and "faction military standing" (and "faction logistics standing") each computed only from the standings with those specific corps and then change the factory bonuses so that they use the industrial standing but are not affected by the military ones.
That is how I think it should be done.
Note that it's irrelevant whether the corporations offer only their own specific assignments or not. As long as an industrial corporation does offer you multiple industrial assignments, it's irrelevant whether they also offer you military ones. Just do not do them, if you are not interested.
It is relevant because it is pointless.
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