Topic: Win a Mk2 heavy mech of your choice
To celebrate the revival of our army of hamsters we are running a little game. Whoever gets the closest guess on tonight's peak user count will receive a Mk2 heavy mech of their choice.
The rules:
The guesses must be posted in this thread.
Whoever posts a number first, owns that number exclusively.
The time frame of the competition is from this moment until tomorrow 12:00 server time.
In case of a tie, there will be two winners.
Edited posts automatically disqualify the character.
One character may only post one number and only the first post counts.
Trial agents in doubt, this may be the chance to secure yourself an easy carreer start in Perpetuum! All you need to do is subscribe and post your guess to take part.
Best of luck to all!
*note: The general chat is NOT the peak user number, as presence there is optional.