1 (edited by Norrdec 2011-05-28 14:31:57)

Topic: Possible fix for empty spots used for basic mining assignments

At the moment people have problems with those basic mining missions, because the bad people come and eat all those resources.

A good idea would be change the way the minerals are counted for the missions.

Currently we have to be in range of an assignment's waypoint to count the mined minerals for the mission. My idea is to use minimal and (possibly) maximal range we have to be from the terminal. This way people can finish the missions and at the same time they are not limited to a small, always empty spot. They can't mine next to the terminal to finish the mission either.

If you want to help people find some basic spots to mine, you could add info on 1, 2 or more spots with the specific resource.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Possible fix for empty spots used for basic mining assignments



Re: Possible fix for empty spots used for basic mining assignments

Sounds like a very good adjustment.

4 (edited by Arga 2011-05-31 02:08:56)

Re: Possible fix for empty spots used for basic mining assignments

As Grem mentioned in the podcast, the assignments are an easy way to find mats. I know when I was just starting, I wouldn't mine just what I needed, i would mine til the argano was full. Multiple spots is better, but anytime that the location of a field is provided, it will be mined by more then just the assignee's, and for more than the alloted amount.

The mined amount required is fairly small. If the goal here is to just ensure that players can complete the assignment, the solution is to generate a very large field of 8 cycle tiles that regnerates hourly. With base titan at 750, that's 6k per tile and only 5 tiles needed (I think starter are mine 30k). The 'irritation' factor of having to relock and move a termis or 'lazy' farmer is very high and should discourage mowing the field; the best you can hope for is to discourage it and the time to greifing factor is high for that pursuit too.

The downside, a large shallow field is a 'nerf' to starting miners like myself that mined a hold full for a little extra profit.