Topic: Incorrect Signal Detection Documentation

The in game help states:

The formula of how they affect each other: let's say your robot's signal detection value is 80 rF, your enemy's signal masking value is also 80 rF (this is a typical heavy mech versus heavy mech situation). The actual formula goes: 1000 / your enemy's masking value * your detection value (in this case its 1000 / 80 * 80) which is exactly 1000 meters. It means you can spot this robot in your landmarks window when it gets closer than 1000 meters.

1000 / 80 * 80 does not equal 1000, it equals 1000/6400 = .15625m

I assume it is supposed to be 1000 * (your detection value / your enemy's masking value).

That way, if they are equal, it actually will be 1000, and 80 detection vs. 100 masking would reduce that to 800.

2 (edited by Alexander 2011-02-05 06:54:16)

Re: Incorrect Signal Detection Documentation

They missed a brace set.
(1000m / enemy mask) * your detection = Sight range (m)
1000m * (your detection / enemy mask) = Sight range (m)
will do the same job.

The Game

Re: Incorrect Signal Detection Documentation

Ah, yes, that would be a simpler mistake.

Re: Incorrect Signal Detection Documentation

order of operations fail.

->You just lost The Game<-

Re: Incorrect Signal Detection Documentation

Fixed, thanks.
(although Neoxx is right, I put the parentheses anyway for those who don't know math wink )