Topic: Q & A

This is from the awesome blog EatingBee's, Im posting this to give the Perpetuum staff some comic relief, u will never make all of us happy ;P.

Q: Why do you hate my class?
A: We don’t hate your class. We do need to tweak your critical ratios. Every other class-specific forum on our board system has approximately forty threads per day. Your class has three. One of them is a video with the title “Lolz @ 3700 crit on rouge.”
Q: Why do you hate my other class?
A: We don’t hate any class. In this case, every time we try to fix your broken stat, a fourth thread appears in your primary class’s forum talking about how much we suck, because ever since the patch “there is just nothing anyone can do to manage aggro.” It’s like listening to Paris Hilton complain about paparazzi.
We will find a solution as soon as we can. Ideas are welcome.
Q: Why do you hate my archetype?
A: Okay, look, we don’t hate anyone. I don’t like responding to questions that use the word “hate” at all, really, because the question reminds me of the old saying “have you stopped beating your dog?” Just MENTIONING that I don’t hate anything makes me feel weird, like it’s legitimizing the idiotic question in the first place.
The reason we are making changes to your archetype is because, dude, in case it wasn’t blindingly obvious, it was the last designed, least tested one we did. And a week before launch day some suit wandered downstairs and complained that he couldn’t solo, and the producer panicked. I’m sorry. You have no IDEA how sorry I am, because that particular suit quit before I could finish Operation Tuna Fish In The Ceiling Vent.
Q: Why do you hate crafters?
A: No one hates crafters, for the love of… come on, you’re the subset that will seriously sit all day in the same place pushing a single button. You barely even notice the rest of the game. Your existence almost single-handedly created the economy. The problem is, we make your skills cheap to acquire, you become little fountains of gold. We make your products too weak in response, and you have no reason to exist. (The underlying problem is that all crafting systems have too many moving parts - and nothing is more prone to feature creep than crafting. “Let’s see, armorcrafting, weaponcrafting… and jewelry! And cooking! And fishing up giant chests full of gold! What about whittling? Musical instrument crafting? Interior decorating? Architecture? Embroidery? Animal training? Landscape design? Circle jerk aesthetics?”)
Also, you above all other niche groups are prone to submitting “design documents,” and in ten years I haven’t seen a new one. Either they’re so elaborate that implementation would take as long as the entire GAME took to produce, or they’re such clickfests that I have flashbacks to making metal bits until I was so encumbered I couldn’t move without a level 55 buff, or they’re so simplistic that everyone in the GAME would be a top level crafter and the economy would tank in five minutes, or… yeah.
In other words, the problem is crafting design is that it’s one of those things that everyone thinks they can do, both outside and inside the development team. No matter how godly or experienced the designer is, he has to put up with people who tried crafting for two minutes in another game wandering out of their offices and saying “You should do X.” It only takes one executive with delusions of grandeur to completely *** a crafting design. See above about all the moving parts.
Even if the smart guy puts together a great system, the game will be in release for an hour before the single transposed digit in the two hundred page spreadsheet floods the game with feathered hats worth twenty gold apiece. We hate ourselves and every minute of patching these minor crisis situations.
But lord, we don’t hate YOU.
Q: Why do you hate my playstyle?
A: For crying out loud, we don’t hate your playstyle. Think for a second: Our internal metrics show that people who play like you do make up approximately 20% of the entire playerbase. What do we have to gain by hating you and driving away your money? Nothing!
It’s just that we didn’t design the game for this playstyle, which is why watching you play is like watching someone walk on their hands and type with their feet. However, the industry is old enough now to accept that just because we didn’t DESIGN the game for your style doesn’t mean your money doesn’t spend as well as everyone else’s. We just don’t know what the hell to do about it. The changes you think are so reasonable would completely screw the game for the other 80% of our population.
Q: Why do you hate me personally?
A: We don’t hate you. This fifty page log of all the crap you spew in open chat channels, and the two thousand people who reported you, would suggest that a large number of the people on your server do in fact hate you. But we don’t personally care. We’ve seen worse. Amateur.
Q: Why do you hate my guild?
A: It’s not hate, it’s disgust. Your guild is not breaking any rules, but your spawn hogging, name calling, trashtalking, and general all around *** is actively driving away other customers, and there are more of them than there are of you. Although I admit I laughed at the log where you pretended to be Chinese gold farmers, I didn’t think the resulting uproar was all that funny. Don’t you see how much funnier it would have been if you’d posted the whole log, including your guild chat where it’s clear you were only pretending?
But you’re not funny. You don’t grasp irony or subtlety or comedy. Your collective behavior is that of a bunch of playground bullies, and your particular fifteen bucks is no better than anyone else’s. It’s not as good, actually, when one of you makes three of them quit. Whenever one of you posts that you’re going to quit and take the whole guild with you because the CSR suspended you for a whole DAY, I always think to myself, “PLEEEZ don’t throw me into that briar patch.”
Of course, you never do. You post about quitting so damn much that you get all the other little red hens in a tizzy about how “everyone” is quitting, but by god, you’ll outlast them all.
Q: Why do you hate people in Europe?
A: We don’t… why would we hate Europe? That’s just irrational. You play at a time of day when the western hemisphere is not, giving our product around the clock activity. In case you hadn’t noticed, the dollar is tanking over here and we just adore your tasty, tasty subscriptions being paid in one of the good currencies. Your existence gives the producer an excuse to hang out in various European cities. European players have a slightly different set of expectations and attitudes, and so your feedback gives our product a more polished, more global appeal. Your game conventions are less “sterilized over-rehearsed PR-fest,” but more “all night party with like, 40% more boobies.” We LOVE Europe.
But we are still going to patch at 8:00 AM our time. Maybe we’re provincial, maybe we’re ***, maybe we don’t want to start patching at 4:00 AM when we’re liable to make stupid, possibly server-annihilating mistakes because we’re not really awake yet. Who cares? When you host a worldwide MMO, you can patch at whatever time you want, and listen to us whine about it, how about that?
Q: Why do you hate free speech?
A: Why do I… what? Did you even read the Constitution? Shoo! Shoo!
Q: Why do you hate answering real questions instead of this fluff about crafters and aggro management?
A: Are you high? Do you look around the basement and think that because no one else is there with you, only your questions are real? Is this some kind of existential crisis? Because I don’t want to be involved if it is.
Q: Why do you hate women?
A: What?
Q: Just kidding.
A: ***.
Q: Why do you hate ***?

People who fight monsters should take care not to become one

2 (edited by Neoxx 2010-11-21 05:31:39)

Re: Q & A

Q: Why do you hate my guild?
A: It’s not hate, it’s disgust. Your guild is not breaking any rules, but your spawn hogging, name calling, trashtalking, and general all around *** is actively driving away other customers, and there are more of them than there are of you. Although I admit I laughed at the log where you pretended to be Chinese gold farmers, I didn’t think the resulting uproar was all that funny.

This seems all too familiar.....

I am Perpetuum's Most Dangerous Agent and an equal opportunity troll.
-> You just lost The Game <-
"Perpetuum sounds like a something I would stick up my *** for enjoyement." -Kaito Kurusaki

Re: Q & A

-Sanya has been kicking all sorts of arse for years. Her blog, outlook on life and t-shirt and blue jeans look all rock most hard.


Re: Q & A

can u post a link to that blog


To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” – Elbert Hubbard

Re: Q & A

Since googleing "eatingbees" is to hard for some, heres the link.

People who fight monsters should take care not to become one