Topic: New devblog: Syndicate robots - The final wave
The final 4 robots of the new Syndicate line make their debut in patch 3.8.3, alongside of numerous balancing changes. In this blog we'll take an in-depth look at all these updates:
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The final 4 robots of the new Syndicate line make their debut in patch 3.8.3, alongside of numerous balancing changes. In this blog we'll take an in-depth look at all these updates:
Looks interesting
Dedicated heavy combat support, cool!
Zoom, I noticed hit dispersion/explosion size increases. This makes sense for lighter robots survivability. But are Heavy mech surface areas also going to change? Or is the hit % now countering the dps increase from tunings?
I don't think that light robots pose that much of a bigger threat to them even with the higher damage tunings (since they have a harder time with increased accumulator usage anyway), if that's what you're asking.
Your ^%##$%^ of a %$^$%&$^%$, why on earth #$%#%%$#%#$ you little $%^#%^%$^
But you have to do something with big bots survuveability vs lights, otherwise everyone will roam with 100500 lighs/assaults and meks/heavies will turn into anti-building bots
it looks interesting. this means assault bots HAVE to be deployed in pvp situations if you actually want to kill the small stuff running around.
will be interesting to see if a castel mk2 with med accu, shield and lwf can be killed by anything after this.
PvE missions where you will face a mix of mechs and smalls will be VERY interesting for solo player
line - in a 1:1 fight, im sure the big bots will still win when they miss half their shots. and playercount will not magically rise in PvP so one can field 100 lights instead one heavy.
and after all, there are still stabs to fit, and armor plates that increase your hitsize by +1 each,
and neuts that use a completely different attribute to determine how well they hit
Sorry I think we misunderstand eachother.
Heavy mechs have srf areas ~10m, and the base hit dispersion and explosion sizes were at or under this for medium weapons.
With the numbers shown on the blog, heavy mech targets will have <100% hit or explosion dmg.
With Level 10 skills, you get -30% on these dispersions. So best case scenario, with a medium compact missile you get 14*0.7=9.8m
So with max skills you can hit a heavy with 100% missile damage, a mech w/ 81%, etc.. (everything else, other weapons etc. are much lower)
Actually thinking about this, I see what you are doing. Med compacts with max skills get 100% hit against Heavymechs and everything else has some % inaccuracy to balance out the weapon tuning DPS increases. This helps balance green dps against others, and ensure that all classes of bot, and any srf area modifications will actually affect incoming dps (since all % dispersion is at or below 100% instead of well above 100%).
This is a good balance change, long time coming.
Thanks zoom
Also mass on plates is good change +1
Seems the age of assaults has dawned. Not quite sure about the plate change, that will affect only one thing and that's speed. Do you think bots generally are too fast Zoom ? In any case we will hold our opinion until we do some testing and "real play" experiments.
What about the velocity nexus Zoom ? If nexus modules are being "re-balanced" to be fit mainly on heavies where does that leave the multitude of bots that have a legitimate use for the velocity nexus, like scouts, haulers, EW just to name 3.. Seems like a shotgun approach again..
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Actually if heavies are the only bots capable of fitting velocity nexus then you may as well remove them altogether. Even with a velocity nexus a heavy is not fast enough to catch anything anyway, including mechs.
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Why Tryannos get no missile cycle time love ?
Btw not a word about Armor Nexus changes. Will it change to provide resist bonuses?
What about the velocity nexus Zoom ? If nexus modules are being "re-balanced" to be fit mainly on heavies where does that leave the multitude of bots that have a legitimate use for the velocity nexus, like scouts, haulers, EW just to name 3.. Seems like a shotgun approach again..
Actually if heavies are the only bots capable of fitting velocity nexus then you may as well remove them altogether. Even with a velocity nexus a heavy is not fast enough to catch anything anyway, including mechs.
The velocity nexus played a big part in this change as it wasn't intended for that kind of light bot solo use that became commonplace.
Why Tryannos get no missile cycle time love ?
It got it in 3.8.1 already when the Echelon came along
Btw not a word about Armor Nexus changes. Will it change to provide resist bonuses?
The underlying system would need to be changed so that's delayed for now. I tried to do it, but as the system is set up now, it's not possible. It would need 4 separate nexus effects for all 4 resists, and that by itself would max out the 3 effect limit on one robot.
isn't the incrase in mass for the armor plates contra-productive?
i mean, all you want to counter there, is the 30% mass reduction that LWFs provide.
and you want that mostly for those bots that got increased base mass by design (mk2's)
if i remember it correctly, speed formular works like this
(Robot Mass)/[(Robot Mass + Equip Mass)*LWF-factor] * base speed
if the part in the [] Brackets is less then the base robot mass, then the robot will run faster.
by default that means, the robot will always be slower if it fits anything, and because lwf factor will also reduce equipments mass (for whatever reason), it will always run faster with lwf.
would have been better to have the formulare include a laden weight, and lwf only reducing robot mass...
something like (Laden Weight)/[(Robot Mass*lwf-factor)+Equip mass] * base speed.
you could have a default robot fit, with T1 running exactly the base speed, a t2 fit running faster, and a heavier fit slower. the LWF would only allow you to fit 30% more mass without losing speed.
Actually, he want to prevent med plates usage on assaults
Actually, he want to prevent med plates usage on assaults
Maybe a certain group that I am thinking of petitioned against how powerful those T2 medium plated suicide baphomets were. DJNotnice did a great thing with those!
Interesting changes otherwise, will have to have a look when the patch releases.
W - when?
Line wrote:Btw not a word about Armor Nexus changes. Will it change to provide resist bonuses?
The underlying system would need to be changed so that's delayed for now. I tried to do it, but as the system is set up now, it's not possible. It would need 4 separate nexus effects for all 4 resists, and that by itself would max out the 3 effect limit on one robot.
No way to have a single module apply 4 different effects?
DEV Zoom wrote:Line wrote:Btw not a word about Armor Nexus changes. Will it change to provide resist bonuses?
The underlying system would need to be changed so that's delayed for now. I tried to do it, but as the system is set up now, it's not possible. It would need 4 separate nexus effects for all 4 resists, and that by itself would max out the 3 effect limit on one robot.
No way to have a single module apply 4 different effects?
no OBVIOUS way it seems because of internal implementations of mechanic. however...
instead of directly increase each armor resists, Nexus could increase some kind of multiplier (M) which is, in default, be 1. then, robot can have 4 additional params - let's call them multiplied resists (MR) - total non-nexus resists (NNR) multiplied by M. those MRs should be used in incoming damage calculations and should be shown to player instead of NNR, which, in their turn, can be completely hidden
No way to have a single module apply 4 different effects?
erm, please re-read what zoom wrote, because he said something different.
because im bored:
Zoom wrote he could have the nexus apply 4 different effects, but the hard limit for recieved effects on bots is 3
I wonder, is Seth still best for farming, or there's better setups today?
Not a big fan of farming, but curious
i could imagine MK2 grophos with lots of tuners+assault nexus can be a usefull farming fit these days, given the alpha strike potential they have now + the locktime bonus
Gropho king now, just use brain and range
who would have thought
I'll check a robot shop for it
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