Re: New devblog: Syndicate robots inbound
Good question would be, what will be the specialization of the syndicate EW mech? Pretty much the only "open" niche is a demobbing specialist unless you're planning to make it a jack-of-all?
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Good question would be, what will be the specialization of the syndicate EW mech? Pretty much the only "open" niche is a demobbing specialist unless you're planning to make it a jack-of-all?
I think: LEGATUS is really familiar to Gropho, cant we have an another head?
TIP: I like the industrial head on the ECHELON.
They don't use colixum because these are not intended to be high end stuff. But don't worry we will have something for that too.
... .
Dat cliffhanger!
DEV Zoom wrote:...
They don't use colixum because these are not intended to be high end stuff. But don't worry we will have something for that too.
... .Dat cliffhanger!
T5 mods confirmed.
Good question would be, what will be the specialization of the syndicate EW mech? Pretty much the only "open" niche is a demobbing specialist unless you're planning to make it a jack-of-all?
I agree with Syndic. Would be nice to see bots specialized in demobilization and/or interference modulation (seems those be the only EW uncovered) than one of the existing or even worse, everything of existing.
how about Seth chassis on sequer legs? Should look nice, whatever role it will play.
maybe seth body on termis tracks and sequer head could make a better-looking transport mech... and with two medium slots, it could have a dedicated role in gamma base building.
like it having a negative bonus with mining equip, but a construction cycletime and accumulator bonus.
Good question would be, what will be the specialization of the syndicate EW mech? Pretty much the only "open" niche is a demobbing specialist unless you're planning to make it a jack-of-all?
They would need a actual plan of attack to be thinking this far.
Not impressed at all. I did enjoy the quip about balance from Zoom, so hard to balance. It really isn't when you have a entire population that can help you.
DEV Zoom wrote:...
They don't use colixum because these are not intended to be high end stuff. But don't worry we will have something for that too.
... .Dat cliffhanger!
You don't know what your doing with balance with what you have your going to add in more "stuff". Sounds about....well crazy.
Don't really mean to be harpen on ya, but this is the single issue that just makes the vets go meh, as your last balance patch is when stuff just went to hell.
Your going to ruin your scale. I would love to make suggestions, but you dudes just dont listen to anything of what your player base says. Example of these new bots, you said we would have input. Nope. We *** over the "balance patch", you don't listen.
Your plan is to add in randomized T5 to a degree. Not saying it wont work, saying your not thinking your tier system out. We don't need a T5, rework T1-T4.
T1 - Base Stats
T2 - Best Damage
T3 - Best Range
T4 - Best Speed
Speed kills, Range is King on Intrusions, Damage Queen of Ganking/Area denial.
You want high damage? Well your going to lose speed, and range.
You want Speed. Sorry, no range or damage.
You want Range. Welp, no Speed or Damage.
Right now its a race to the top, we all want top damage, speed and range, AND WE HAVE IT. T4 is the end game of everything right now, T3 is useless, T2 is maybe only for fitting/speed. T1 is trash. Get unused stuff, and make it useful. Have good spreads so you need to use it for different strats.
Terrible Grammer/Spelling, I'll start caring when I do.
The bottom row of bots should be Nian Industrial faction or you will make the factions completely unbalanced in terms of choice and really it just makes much more sense.
Why should one combat faction have more bot choices than the other 3?
The bottom row of bots should be Nian Industrial faction or you will make the factions completely unbalanced in terms of choice and really it just makes much more sense.
Why should one combat faction have more bot choices than the other 3?
are you nuts?
syndicate is no nian faction... its the human one. why should it have more choices? because its no faction you choose, its the one you are by default, always and forever in this game.
*edit: also, at this point - the first thing to tell noobs ingame is "factions have no meaning at all in this game".
Celebro wrote:The bottom row of bots should be Nian Industrial faction or you will make the factions completely unbalanced in terms of choice and really it just makes much more sense.
Why should one combat faction have more bot choices than the other 3?
are you nuts?
syndicate is no nian faction... its the human one. why should it have more choices? because its no faction you choose, its the one you are by default, always and forever in this game.
Who said there won't be no skill requirements or research needed in the future?
Do I need to say half of them are indy bots?
Edit: If that is the case, what's the point in spending EP on an argano if you can buy a cronus straight out and save EP.
Although I didn't mention it in the blog yet, there will be new extensions needed for these bots.
Edit: If that is the case, what's the point in spending EP on an argano if you can buy a cronus straight out and save EP.
whats the point on spending EP on the cronus if you can drive a termis right away? AFAIK a new player these days gets enough EP to be theoretically in a riveler day 1...
i am pretty sure, for INDUSTRIAL syndicate bots, you will nee the "kitbash robot control" extension + "industrial robot control extension.
and since the Hermes is a "special" robot class, it looks like it will need spec-ops control
so zoom - with these new robots, and progression beeing accelerated - are you adding anything that makes you require going out with small mining lasers (aside afk mining scarabs that is) ?
You don't know what your doing with balance with what you have your going to add in more "stuff". Sounds about....well crazy.
Don't really mean to be harpen on ya, but this is the single issue that just makes the vets go meh, as your last balance patch is when stuff just went to hell.
Your going to ruin your scale. I would love to make suggestions, but you dudes just dont listen to anything of what your player base says. Example of these new bots, you said we would have input. Nope. We *** over the "balance patch", you don't listen.
Your plan is to add in randomized T5 to a degree. Not saying it wont work, saying your not thinking your tier system out. We don't need a T5, ...
^ +1
rework T1-T4.
T1 - Base Stats
T2 - Best Damage
T3 - Best Range
T4 - Best SpeedSpeed kills, Range is King on Intrusions, Damage Queen of Ganking/Area denial.
You want high damage? Well your going to lose speed, and range.
You want Speed. Sorry, no range or damage.
You want Range. Welp, no Speed or Damage.
^ Interesting, i like this, +1
Right now its a race to the top, we all want top damage, speed and range, AND WE HAVE IT. T4 is the end game of everything right now, T3 is useless, T2 is maybe only for fitting/speed. T1 is trash. Get unused stuff, and make it useful. Have good spreads so you need to use it for different strats.
Terrible Grammer/Spelling, I'll start caring when I do.
^ +1
Metis: heavy mech specialized for remote support modules
Lets talk bacon.
These few words mean so much not only to the game, but how your going about it.
First, this is a compete game changer if it means what the English language says it does. Your adding in a dedicated RR bot to the game. It becomes the defacto healer, the one you cant go without, the thing that every group needs, the were not undocking without X amount.
I hope you know what your doing with it.
So lets change it, rework those simple words.
You need to scrap the mech! Go back to the drawing board and do Red, Green, Blue "Industrial's". Then specialize those into what each is good at. So Blue (Remote Reps), Red (Remote Sensor), Green (Remote Energy).
Then you intermix them as per your kill chart, Blue Kills Green, Green Kills Red, Red Kills Blue THUS ---->
Blue Specialization - Remote Reps, But With Green Stats, So ----> Bot has Lowest Speed, AND has Green Resists.
Red Specialization - Remote Sensor Amp ----> Bot has Highest Speed, and Blue Resists
Green Specialization - Remote Energy ----> Bot has Mid Speed, Red Resists
Tie this to how they look.
Green - Ictus Torso, Zenith Legs, Termis Head (As per the Industrial Support)
Same thing with all the rest. You can do crazy things with extensions Too!
Doing it this way Opens the doors to other specializations and rolls to be plugged in a logical way.
Example Time!
Light Assault Ewar. (Abry, Wasp, Balpo) Skilled at using Medium Weps, with Ewar at Reduced Range
Can fit Medium Weps (Two Max)
Red - Sensor Dampening ---> Bot has Highest Speed, and Blue Resists.
Blue - ECM ---> Bot has Lowest Speed, AND has Green Resists.
Green - E Drain ----> Bot has Mid Speed, Red Resist
Red - Intact Torso, Abry Legs, Laird Head (Possible Head Change)
So on for the rest!
These fit logical fittings, and cross crazyness. You dudes just willy nilly picked what you liked without any logical thinking. You picked what looked "best". Make some look ugly, and some people might fall in love with them.
Crazy Spelling $ Grammer!
Lot's of sensible stuff
You should listen to this man, he was the best fitter/tactician I ever played with. He gets it.
LOCUST = Waspish Mk3?
LEGATUS = Gropho Mk3?
Just for me that 2 is too familiar to the Pelistal ones?
I have not only picked what looks best, I have picked what WORKS. Not everything works together, sometimes modules clip into other parts of the robot, sometimes the connection of the head is not really compatible with the torso, and so on. That's why we scrapped the completely free hybrid robot concept in the first place.
Fair enough, but cant change the head on that two?
Fair enough, but cant change the head on that two?
Legatus: the Seth head is not compatible, and if I use the Mesmer head you'll say it's Mesmer Mk3 Same thing if I wanted to change the legs.
Locust: no real problems here, I just chose what looked best with the Arbalest chassis.
And re: Daidalos, this would work too, though it looks kinda like a chicken
And re: Daidalos, this would work too, though it looks kinda like a chicken
eh I dont think that pic looks as good mate
Legatus: the Seth head is not compatible, and if I use the Mesmer head you'll say it's Mesmer Mk3
Same thing if I wanted to change the legs.
But I admit this looks good:
The head is clipping a bit with the collar when it turns, but it's nothing serious.
DEV Zoom wrote:Legatus: the Seth head is not compatible, and if I use the Mesmer head you'll say it's Mesmer Mk3
Same thing if I wanted to change the legs.
But I admit this looks good: head is clipping a bit with the collar when it turns, but it's nothing serious.
that looks good.
DEV Zoom wrote:Legatus: the Seth head is not compatible, and if I use the Mesmer head you'll say it's Mesmer Mk3
Same thing if I wanted to change the legs.
But I admit this looks good: head is clipping a bit with the collar when it turns, but it's nothing serious.
Meh, the combination you chosed are quite cool looking. Slap a mk2 variant for each and you can say 20+ new bots ingame on the steam news page.
DEV Zoom wrote:Legatus: the Seth head is not compatible, and if I use the Mesmer head you'll say it's Mesmer Mk3
Same thing if I wanted to change the legs.
But I admit this looks good: head is clipping a bit with the collar when it turns, but it's nothing serious.
This is what I am talking about!
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