Re: Gamma revamp testing
Ott a pont (hungarian spam)
translate: You won! (Ther is the pont.)
18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD
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Ott a pont (hungarian spam)
translate: You won! (Ther is the pont.)
PTS is still running btw. Live is down though.
True, you can check it out on the PTS too.
i know its kinda futile to report this,
but i want you to think about future patches/HD crashes or whatever will force you re-load a gamma island that already has a base built on:
its the second time Chalydor was replaced on PTS with the existing gamma buildings surviving the process.
walls are gone (because they are "plants", not actually part of the base mechanics at all)
concrete is gone (same reason)
all buildings lost their collision detection and no-build-radius that was "painted" into the respective layer
even the building-placement terraforming is undone
my suggestion:
1. make walls part of the base, aka bring a similar thing like highway nodes online asap
2. make concrete around the base grow like creep automatically (aka copy the map-blob into the concrete layer)
3. implement a building that removes concrete for indoor-gardening
4. write an algorithm that in case of a total server crash can at least auto-flatten the terrain around buildings like if they would have been placed again (save their Z-coordinates!) and also write the other informations back into the respective layers.
This was a special case on the test server, not really similar to when we lose island data.
And the auto-terraforming when placing buildings has been removed from the game long ago.
your words in gods ears...
Dev Zoom, can you give Anni something nice for testing and being genuinely great through the gamma test stage?
testserver is up
Why is 1 Terminal on an Island a waste?
Your insinuating that:
1. A corporation should need to deploy 3 terminal/networks on an island in order to "start" to secure the island.
2. A group of several Corporations is needed to secure an island 1 Per terminal
3. An island Is large enough to fully support 3 CorporationsFrom past experience the gamma Islands are Barely capable of fully supporting 2 Corporations of a moderate size let alone 3 or more.
Is the 3 terminal per corporation limit going to stand or will you limit this to 1 per corporation?
How will you balance the 2 TP 3 TP and 4 TP Islands so the number of terminals does not pre determine what islands are going to be able to be locked off form the outside? << keep in mind that if its possible in any way shape or form players will do it, its just a matter of time.
If i can TF a slopped "wall" around a teleport and put turrets at the top of the slope. and my enemy cannot Tf the slope to attack me then what have we solved. If i have 3 terminals on an island and 3 teleports i can secure my island, people will not be able to roam at all. the only thing the "locked slope" does is give clean LOS from my turrets to the attacker.
\ <<< you cant change this part of the slope
\ <<< you cant change this part of the slope
\ <<< you cant change this part of the slope
\_________Please keep thinking about the terminal / teleports on the islands ... build distance from the teleports is not the solution it only makes it take longer to achieve the same defense (in conjunction with the placement of multiple terminals around an island. ).
DEV Zoom wrote:Tux wrote:Please limit this to 1 >> If more than 1 terminal per island is allowed players will naturally place them near gates for defending the Island << This is not theory craft it was done in the past it will be done again. We need to make the gammas roam-able … even @ 1 km away from the terminal I can place turrets
(Turret ~~~~1KM~~~~Terminal~~~~1KM~~~~Turret)
to cut off some Islands form roamers If Im allowed to place 3 terminals. Please start with 1 Terminal and balance from there more can always be added later if you feel the need.If that's the concern then I would rather add more teleports than to "waste" an entire island on one terminal.
Over two years ago...
Ville: that was about terraforming, not LoS to a building so I don't get your point.
That's what he was trying to tell you! You can't terraform the hill down to shoot the turret.
"If i can TF a slopped "wall" around a teleport and put turrets at the top of the slope. and my enemy cannot Tf the slope to attack me then what have we solved."
This problem still exists today, why did you think theres a HUGE donut that took billions of nic and literally months of time around xiantor? You players knew a long *** time ago that was the mechanics. You have a secondary problem on islands like Krazlov, where you can literally cut entire chunks of land off.
Fun fact: I can boost the turrets on my base to hit the East teleport.
That's what he was trying to tell you! You can't terraform the hill down to shoot the turret.
"If i can TF a slopped "wall" around a teleport and put turrets at the top of the slope. and my enemy cannot Tf the slope to attack me then what have we solved.
Again, this is not about terraforming at all. He talks about not being able to terraform with the aim of creating defensive walls at the foot of a turret.
The LoS issue in the other topic is about shooting ANY building that can be even on a natural hill that you can still terraform regardless.
i read that completely differently and tbh so did other players who used the design. Based on what Tux said.
i read that completely differently and tbh so did other players who used the design. Based on what Tux said.
^^ I can back up what Ville is saying 100%
If this is about NSE's base, move all their buildings, storages, etc to closest Alpha terminal. You're changing the game rules on a corporation that doesn't play actively anymore, that you already screwed over by vanishing millions of fuel from their reactors due to server restarts.
That whole lost millions of commodities in fuel bull *** really chaps my ***. They know there is a bug. They knew it existed for months. But instead of being conservative and giving something. They said, " thanks for beta testing."
I would like to comment on this subject, but im tired of being the jockey that's hitting the horse. Called him out infront of everyone had tickets open. I would like to comment again about how we need a new dev team or that the current one needs to be expanded. Two hamsters turning the wheels aren't going to be able to keep people interested enough to retain old and new players. Let the girlfriend go shes done her job but with no teeth shes just not attractive anymore.
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