Topic: Balancing mission rewards-> Economic issues

This was prompted by Jita's post highlighting the issue this causes: rapid inflation and empty market.

The mission system scales raw nic earnings way too quickly.
Many new players complain the lower levels are too slow to earn nic and gain rep.  So that might be just right.
However, the rate at which earning potential increases accelerates too quickly.  Its the high end of this spectrum that is allowing more established players to 'print' liquid nic, thus giving them the ability to empty the markets, robbing the opportunity from new players to get the goods they need.  Rep and tokens are slow to earn, but that is what gives them value.

My opinion on how to balance it:
The raw NIC bonus needs to be decreased proportionally across all levels greater than 2.

The missions need to take a bit longer: maybe another spawn to combat missions, more harvest/mined ore required.
Splash damage on beta makes combat missions quick and too easy: perhaps travel distances need to be increased as well (to earn the risk bonus). 

It might be time as well to add and revise the mission templates that have been introduced in the new mission system.  3 of each is ok but still grindy... but the system was designed to be extensible right? Use it!


Re: Balancing mission rewards-> Economic issues

I agree in principle but the issue is where ypu spend the money rather than how much money is made.

Having a NIC rich economy is good provided there is something worth spending it on.

Proverbs 23:20-21 warns us, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags."

Re: Balancing mission rewards-> Economic issues

now, now add that to the issue that anything below t4 isn't worth a dime anyway?

*Disclaimer: This post can contain strong sarcasm or cynical remarks. keep that in mind!
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear

Re: Balancing mission rewards-> Economic issues

logicalNegation wrote:

This was prompted by Jita's post highlighting the issue this causes: rapid inflation and empty market.

The mission system scales raw nic earnings way too quickly.
Many new players complain the lower levels are too slow to earn nic and gain rep.  So that might be just right.
However, the rate at which earning potential increases accelerates too quickly.  Its the high end of this spectrum that is allowing more established players to 'print' liquid nic, thus giving them the ability to empty the markets, robbing the opportunity from new players to get the goods they need.  Rep and tokens are slow to earn, but that is what gives them value.

My opinion on how to balance it:
The raw NIC bonus needs to be decreased proportionally across all levels greater than 2.

The missions need to take a bit longer: maybe another spawn to combat missions, more harvest/mined ore required.
Splash damage on beta makes combat missions quick and too easy: perhaps travel distances need to be increased as well (to earn the risk bonus). 

It might be time as well to add and revise the mission templates that have been introduced in the new mission system.  3 of each is ok but still grindy... but the system was designed to be extensible right? Use it!


Nerf'ing mission income will create a disproportionate balance of income between holders of beta/gamma and those who dont. Those who hold beta can mine loads of Epi and can grow Nora on a "locked down" island (yes, locked down is open to debate) and gamma holders can grow fields of Nora under the safety of turrets. Yes risk/vs reward and yes come to beta arguments apply but imo it doesnt justify a mission nerf. The income is truly the only reason we all run missions.

Re: Balancing mission rewards-> Economic issues

-1.  I dont think nerfing NIC rewards are the answer.  Having a healthy flow of money is good for the economy.  What is needed to be ADDED to the game are items that NIC can be used for (seeded items that are useful that can only be purchased with NIC and not made).  However if NIC is to be nerfed, then tokens need to be increased and a healthy Syndicate market established.