Re: Beacon disable
And they have not banned for beacon exploiting or account sharing in like 4 years from my understanding so yeah.
My point exactly. Infact that brings up a funny history lesson.
- Remember Insurance fraud? The exploited items (nic) was removed.
- Styx duping? Items were removed AND most of the assets from M2S corp members. I say most because a few got
away with having secret stashes. The point is: Items removed.
BUT when it came to beacon exploiting throughout history in this game nothing was removed. Despite it having a MASSIVE & I mean HUGE impact on the game. The shear amount of nic & items that was injected into the game made what Insurance fraud & Styx did look like a drop in the ocean.
And yet so many times thru all those years, on the forums Zoom supported the use of beacon pits & AOE. Now we get posts like we just seen in this thread. LOL im sorry but my BS meter just went off
If he has found a new high horse to sit on then thats fine, but im still going to say BS
The rest of you guys are Hacks

PS. I got my Highways & stopped playing b4 they came in & have never used them! ...... Irony much ?