Re: Storage Tax- reviving the market

Celebro wrote:
SunnyJester wrote:
Celebro wrote:

Ok, I know for those who have vast amounts of assets gathering dust might not be happy about this change, the market would surely improve and the gap between new and old players would be reduced.


NPCs take a small fee in NIC value per month per U stored. A cap of around the first 1000U would be free of tax globally on all terminals.

Storage tax would apply to all Terminals including field terminals, but not gamma (player made terminals)

This would need to include Corporation storage if not there is no point really.

Improvement to the game:

Having items gathering dust will not be good investment, players will start pulling out to the market to make liquidity, and mitigate huge tax bills.

Having large stocks on the open market will make stuff cheaper, helping those starting out, and improving NIC value.

Deciding what is worth storing, what is worth selling or not make for more in depth game play. Including making the decisions of keeping it on gamma, who knows.

If I dare give a price per month I would say around 1000NIC/unit/month.

What would you guys think?

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard

To complex for you to understand I guess.

I smell the "i-no-longer-have-the-most-assets" butthurt variation. Also, this idea is just plain stupid. A resource sink like that makes people broke and pissed. Also, what if you went awol for a year? Would your assets disappear? ........ UGH .........