totally unrelated question:
at which time does your antivir and/or defrag run its daily routine ?
Whining - It's amazing how fast your trivial concerns will disappear
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totally unrelated question:
at which time does your antivir and/or defrag run its daily routine ?
totally unrelated question:
at which time does your antivir and/or defrag run its daily routine ?
No. And it is only observed in perpetuum. For example, now I play Eve. I can run any online game with no problems to play it. In Perpetuum I can not dock/undock/jump/walk, but see another players. I try now undock and can't see terminal in overview and LAG is 15k+. But server ping from command line ~100ms. pingplotter tell me "all ok, no PL, ~100ms".
23:45 server time. lags almost over. all night play in other games...
So... lags every day from 17:00 to 00:00 server time. ONLY in perp.
At this exact same time I happened to have bullshit DC. internet fine. just DC, client DC, and reconnect insta. No internet problems on my end, internet working fine.
edit: on alt MaSTeR GuNz
The problem for us is to consistently reproduce a lag issue. If we can't see it then there is nothing we can check unfortunately. If it would be a server issue then you would see the spikes in the red profiler graph.
The problem for us is to consistently reproduce a lag issue. If we can't see it then there is nothing we can check unfortunately. If it would be a server issue then you would see the spikes in the red profiler graph.
did you test that with running like 10 accounts on the same IP ?
The problem for us is to consistently reproduce a lag issue. If we can't see it then there is nothing we can check unfortunately. If it would be a server issue then you would see the spikes in the red profiler graph.
Ooh, Zoom! Yesterday there was a lot of red spikes! I spent all night broadcast via Twitch.
You can today after 17:00 server time to see what's going on? Launched Twitch again.
Maybe tell me what else you need to check in order to understand why this happens? In interactive mode.
I have no problems with connection and lags last few months.
I have no problems with connection and lags last few months.
Речь идёт про меня. Лаги только в перпетууме. И хоть убей, но это на мистику похоже. Вот я и хочу разобраться.
Zoom, look I want to know what you think about it.
Fortunately I can't complain, game is running smoothly for me.
me too. I get the occasional screen freeze as I go past a colony of broccoli but other than that np
Server time+6h=My local time.
The main time when most likely pvp for me.
Yes, that ping looks good. Sadly it doesn't really get us closer to what could be the problem for you.
Yes, that ping looks good. Sadly it doesn't really get us closer to what could be the problem for you.
Update my post. Look pls link.
Poor chemist, come play candy crush.
Poor chemist, come play candy crush.
I think the only thing that's going to help is if we have a network dump to send as it happens. Anyone else here know how to use wireshark?
Lily stopped having the problem after she cleared all her caches on her OS. She also noticed things got better if she logged out just as the game started to lag then waited a few minutes before logging back in.
Sadly we've both stopped encountering the issue so I can't do any further analysis. I'll jump through TeamViewer if anyone needs help looking at things though if you want.
You all read what I write? Do you have eyes or anything that they replace? Switch on the brain. Everything is much simpler. What is cache? What a dump? Look again: What do you see?
This - yesterday traffic. Yesterday there were minor and short-term losses. And where are they? Outside of my ISP. It even outside of my country.
Start - 01.12.2014 ~02:00 Server time To ~20:00 ST. Was small lag ~08:00 ST.
Dear Zoom. Please, *** or change your inet-provider... - ping 2k
Only 1 client work fine now. Other 2 can't login ~10mins.
Or change Client-Server protocol or do something else.
[01:29:49] [sock] Socket error 10054 - (Удаленный хост принудительно разорвал существующее подключение.)
[01:29:54] Disconnecting (reconnect: true)...
[01:30:24] Connecting...
[01:30:45] [sock] Socket error 10060 - (Попытка установить соединение была безуспешной, т.к. от другого компьютера за требуемое время не получ
ен нужный отклик, или было разорвано уже установленное соединение из-за неверного отклика уже подключенного компьютера.)
[01:30:45] [sock] Socket error 10060 - (Попытка установить соединение была безуспешной, т.к. от другого компьютера за требуемое время не получ
ен нужный отклик, или было разорвано уже установленное соединение из-за неверного отклика уже подключенного компьютера.)
[01:30:45] Connection failed!
[01:30:47] Disconnecting (reconnect: false)...
Perpetuum client - build Nov 19 2014 18:44:57 - starting at 2014-12-07 01:30:52
Perpetuum client - build Nov 19 2014 18:44:57 - starting at 2014-12-07 01:32:44
Perpetuum client - build Nov 19 2014 18:44:57 - starting at 2014-12-07 01:39:56
Perpetuum client - build Nov 19 2014 18:44:57 - starting at 2014-12-07 01:44:17
Perpetuum client - build Nov 19 2014 18:44:57 - starting at 2014-12-07 01:50:03
Over 20 mins can't login...
server ran out of socks... washing machine is to slow
I'm already play in WOT, ghost reacon, eve... but can't login in perp ~1,5h... :-\
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