1 (edited by Cestus 2010-12-03 15:22:19)

Topic: Mechanicum [FR]

Le temple du Mechanicum ouvre ses portes ! Venez nombreux ! L'Esprit de la Machine est à notre service !

Status du recrutement : Ouvert aux industriels et militaires.

Corpo francophone; l'objectif de MECH est de s'entraider et de s'amuser sans prises de tête et dans la bonne humeur, découvrir les différents aspects du jeu dans le monde de NIA.

MECH a une orientation principale axée sur le PVE ( Minage, Récolte, Recherche, Production, Missions )
et une orientation secondaire axée sur le PVP et la conquête de NIA ( Défense de territoire, escorte )

Mettre en place de bonnes fondations pour perdurer dans le combat contre les aliens; est un credo que nous faisons notre !
Ici on ne pose pas de questions, on vend des Armes !

Contact en jeu : Cestus ou Cifia
Chan Public : MECH Pub
Forum http://mechanicum.forumactif.net/forum.htm (en finition)

The Mechanicum  opens his doors ! Many come ! the Machine Spirit is at our service.

French speaking corp, which goal is to help each others and get fun, good mood recquired; We are going to discover all game's aspects of NIA's world.

Mechanicum is mainly PVE oriented (Mining, Research, Production), and is secondary PVP oriented to conquer Nia.
Establish a good foundation to continue in the fight against the aliens !
Here we don't ask questions, we sell Weapons !
Ingame contact : Cestus


2 (edited by Cestus 2010-11-26 13:30:13)

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

edit :
Inspired from W40K.


Re: Mechanicum [FR]

Needs more dakka

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

"Dakka": Ork slang for rapid fire capability, based on the onomatopoeia for automatic guns shooting. You need moar of it. No exceptions.

what's the point ?
you Ork ? yeah you might have the jaw, show me your teeth, maybe are you wearing a mask ? tongue

We will need more firepower, of course we will, but we want to start it slowly and focus on our ability to produce Mechs, weapons and ammo first.

5 (edited by Cestus 2010-11-29 22:46:01)

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

La corp grossit à un bon rythme.
La Machine a encore besoin d'industriels.


Corp is growing well.
The Machine still needs industrials.

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

I like the corp name, so join these guys and we even share military power now!

p.s. Siddy the ork needs a beret!

7 (edited by Cestus 2010-12-02 15:48:48)

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

Jelan wrote:

I like the corp name, so join these guys and we even share military power now!

thx for comment, we'll be glad to share military power with you, guys !

Re: Mechanicum [FR]

Cestus wrote:
Jelan wrote:

I like the corp name, so join these guys and we even share military power now!

thx for comment, we'll be glad to share military power with you, guys !

Stop fraternizing with the enemy. <grin>

Good group of lads  here, If you speak French and are looking for a Corp I would recommend them as one of my top FR choices.


Honor Fidelitas Super Omnia