Lots of vets tried to tell the Devs to wipe the game for the steam launch. Personally, I'm all for it, and have been since forever. Lots of people know I love to pvp in my seths, but I'd really love the chance at starting over completely.
Give all lifetime accounts a special ingame/forum badge, 3 month free boosters, wipe the server and lets try this again, because it's not working as it is now.
The best argument I've seen AGAINST doing this I think was made by Stranger Danger -- Do you really want to be a part of a game that's time based and persistent that's been known to wipe years of achievements? -- Well, I think if it's explained properly, and used as a tool to get new players to join in on the ground floor, then my answer is YES.
Besides, they've already wiped years of progress for the sake of "Gamma is ugly."
But, lets be honest, we can talk about this till we're blue in the face (see the 50+ page SpT thread) and still, nothing will happen. The game is fun, pvp is some of the best I've ever experienced, and it's got a lot of positive attributes. The biggest things that take away from that though is the fact that new content is slow to non-existant, due to there being 3 guys working on this game in a basement in Hungary. Now, don't take this personally devs, I've got a lot of respect for what you've managed to achieve so far, and I really hope that someday it will achieve what it can achieve. The instant gratification crowd will never stick around for more then a few months, if that, considering what they have to look forward to.
Heavy Mechs - the biggest bots in the game for the past 3 years - take less than 2 months to get into and to be able to pilot descently. What's after that? Nothing.
I know this has been your baby for 10 years now, but maybe it's time to sell it to a team that can put the money into it to make it into something. Moving/upgrading the servers is a big step in the right direction, but this should have been done 3 years ago. The game needs a dedicated team of 50+ coders and artists to be able to meet the demands of new content required to keep people playing. You realize we've gotten 2 new bots in the past 3 years? Both of them haulers. There was mention years ago of possibly adding new classes of assaults specialized in certain areas. What about faction robots? Something shiny that vets can show off in, and new players can aspire to obtain?
It's been a fun ride with you guys these past 3 years off and on, and I know I haven't always been the most respectful person and have said some pretty *** stuff to you devs directly, but I will say thank you for all the memories and fun times I've had. I will probably never know how hard it is to create something from the ground up as you guys have as I'm far too lazy to ever attempt that, so I tip my hat in respect to you for trying.
(Don't read this as a "I'm quitting" post, as I'm not)
TL:DR Wall of Text crits you for 9001