Re: Dear Dev´s

Dazamin wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

As an individual player Spark TP is useful for all kinds of things sure, in terms of PvP and power projection its all kinds of broken.

No where as broken as what it used to be.

Reading this signature fills you with determination.

Re: Dear Dev´s

This is a very old story...

The theory of mutual interests
Why the crybabies wins?
Где Ханя - там победа (с)
DEV Zoom: No need to speculate...

Re: Dear Dev´s

Holy *** WE TOLD YOU SO Batman

Sparks, too few islands, power projection.

Zoom, your 'refusal' to see sparks as a problem is frightening.

Sparking to other games

Re: Dear Dev´s

Spark teleport TOPIC, with more than 50 pages, enough to say.

Energy to Earth!

18.01.2014. [12:57:58] <BeastmodeGuNs> after that i remembered all those warning about 1v1 you lol, and i found out why xD

30 (edited by Obi Wan Kenobi 2014-06-12 06:05:53)

Re: Dear Dev´s

BeastmodeGuNs wrote:
Dazamin wrote:
DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

As an individual player Spark TP is useful for all kinds of things sure, in terms of PvP and power projection its all kinds of broken.

No where as broken as what it used to be.

BUT none the less still broken with the current game situation.

Can some one just record this thread & put it on auto repeat for lets say once a month?

True Pros make a Podcast to influence the Devs minds, 
The rest of you guys are Hacks tongue

PS. I got my Highways & stopped playing b4 they came in & have never used them! ...... Irony much ? tongue

Re: Dear Dev´s


Fu ManChu wrote:

I believe pvp could be very exciting and the game has what it takes. But this is game is ruined and we all know  by who, it´s by corps like _____________.

And who's it going to be next month?

Re: Dear Dev´s

Doek wrote:


Fu ManChu wrote:

I believe pvp could be very exciting and the game has what it takes. But this is game is ruined and we all know  by who, it´s by corps like _____________.

And who's it going to be next month?




True Pros make a Podcast to influence the Devs minds, 
The rest of you guys are Hacks tongue

PS. I got my Highways & stopped playing b4 they came in & have never used them! ...... Irony much ? tongue

Re: Dear Dev´s

I know what should hook players in game:

1. City with walking NPC :

2. :

It will make gameworld fullfilled by something more than dumb NPC and players (i mean not dumb ,... most of them... i guess)


Re: Dear Dev´s

DEV Zoom wrote:

So which are those broken mechanics in your opinion that are killing the game?

(Ville: how about not spamming this topic?)

From my perspective, spark teleportation is a very broken mechanic:

...promoting power projection of large groups, to spark teleport to any island without effort, to bully away any players or corps out of beta? While they can hold all outposts, without any effort or commitment...

DEV Zoom wrote:

Sorry but we refuse to see spark teleport as an issue. Or if it is, it's at least equally helping the game.

I cannot agree. It is killing the game for many players, for above reasons. The islands are to small for spark teleports. The alpha Islands may have a better teleport network, or better highways, to compensate the spark teleports removal, or maybe as mentioned, the introduction of a skill based remote buy/ sell orders system.

Spark teleports, the way it is used on this size of the world for pvp, is just plain exploiting the mechanic and it would be ignorant not to admit to this.

Where are all the secondary tasks left, which you might also call "creating sandbox content". Tasks for players to keep them motivated actually playing the game, like gate guarding, scouting, organised fleet movement from one island to another if you want to attack. idk, but those tasks have all diminished with ST.

Re: Dear Dev´s

Selling the game on the exclusive desire to have a corp stamp on an outpost makes this a problem. There is more to Perp for new people, they just need to find it and Devs need to promote it.

Example: Add new loot to artifacting. When the patch notes come out, that is what you put in them. We added new stuff to Artifacting.
Go find out.

36 (edited by Biffa Buttocks 2014-06-12 10:59:26)

Re: Dear Dev´s

As a nub I like to say I am actually enjoying the game!

I think any sandbox game dominated by a focused core of players will have issues, it's a lesson to developers that if you want active players early on to help you then they will obviously grow too powerful and organised (and entitled) to allow new players to think that they can get anywhere in the game. I said 'THINK' since I'm hoping that with the Gamma islands newer players will get a chance on the Betas to nurture competitive power blocks. One example is that Beta control points could be adjusted to make them more fluid and harder to own and so present a pinch-point for the flow of goods from Gamma to the markets in Alpha, this would mean that the established power blocks would have to overstretch themselves to dominate both.  Spark Teleport is a bit of a killer when it comes to projecting power but you can't use it to transport goods and materials. Anyway that's one way.

The immediate concern NOW is to give new players more of purpose to play, at the moment their choices are either join the big boys or become future cannon fodder. With the markets dying a lot of the point of PVE is also lost and the missions do seem a bit pointless after a while, PVP seems hopeless as a new player unless it's against someone with comparable skills and experience, at present there is no way of cutting your teeth or learning and nobody wants to fight if there is no chance of winning, because that simply isn't fun.

The other immediate concern is to engage the older players and set them against one another, I'm hoping the Gamma islands will do that but I fear that it is more likely that they will just carve up the Gamma islands among themselves and keep sucking up the best resources, you should be getting them instead to burn up their stockpiles by fighting one another and so level the playing field for the smaller groups, I'm sure everyone can think of plenty of ways of doing this.

As I said, as a new player I'm enjoying the game, especially following the meta game and to be honest I've had my moneys worth already!

Re: Dear Dev´s

Biffa Buttocks wrote:

at the moment their choices are either join the big boys or become future cannon fodder

Nonsense. You pick your targets, you learn, you make friends. Fail in this and you will fail no matter how many EPs. You can go to a corner to sell drugs but if you don't know how the game is played it doesn't matter how big your missile launcher is because you are going to end up in a ditch.

Re: Dear Dev´s

It does not matter which is the major Power block at a given time. Is it CiR & Co, STC, STAG or who ever. It will be and has been exploited and does the opposite to promote (pvp) game play. Due to the already mentioned reasons and power projection from the safety of alpha. 

As described in past posts, I feel that ST´s at the present size of the world should be taken out of the game until Gamma. And then limit those ST´s to max 1-2 with a 12hours recharge timer.

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Re: Dear Dev´s

well waiting over 2+ weeks for a support ticket doesnt help either. It simply shows they have little respect for the players and thier time to not even bother with them.

If a new player waits 3 weeks for a simple yes/no answer they quit and dont come back.

40 (edited by Norrdec 2014-06-12 12:49:55)

Re: Dear Dev´s

Dear players - you could have gotten back ten times the amount of bots farming and mining than waiting for those refunds.

The more important tickets get solved fast (like harassment).

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Dear Dev´s

I refuse to see how anyone can refuse to be refused the notion of refusal in which the refuse could be stated in a manner of refuse.

Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

There is a misconception here that should be corrected.

1. CIR and 77 with our recruiting/industrial sub-corps (PHM/133) are just two corps full of people that like to PVP a lot.
2. CIR hasn't played this game for 2 years barring 2-3 of our people who stuck around/poked their head in from time to time.
3. ST doesn't project our "power" nearly as much as the fact that nearly all of us have 2-3 combat accounts spread across the world.
4. Any point in-game is reachable in 5-10 minutes.
5. The other veteran corps could easily take islands from us if they were prepared to commit and risk their resources - evidently they are not.
6. We just want PVP. If the other vets are happy to sit on Alpha and try to "outlast" us until we get bored, that's their choice. Game is free now, no skin off our nose while we wait.
7. We neither need nor want all these islands, but since nobody is contesting us for them we will naturally take advantage of the economic benefits they bring.

Carry on. smile

[18:20:30] <GLiMPSE> Chairman Of My Heart o/
CIR Complaint Form

The Imperial Grand Wizard of Justice

43 (edited by Lotech 2014-06-12 13:10:18)

Re: Dear Dev´s

I'm hoping I get to be involved in a push in to Beta once the servers are moved. I hear from fellow players that we'd like to push in to Beta, but until the lag/stability gets fixed some of us dont feel the need to risk our bot to lag. I'm fine with dying a fiery death from YOUR ammo when I have a fighting chance. I'm not fine when it takes 3 minutes just to select a target in landmark window. Then another 2 minutes to acquire lock. And finally 5 minutes more to see my pile of fiery ashes.

I'm a recently returned player looking to pvp. This is my perspective.

Re: Dear Dev´s


Steam achievement Unlocked:  Being a Badass
Dev Zoom: I think its time to confess, Ville is my alt
Dev Zoom: Ville can be sometimes so sane it's scary.

Re: Dear Dev´s

Did you try to restart the client before a fight? Do that and test another fight again.

<GargajCNS> we maim to please

Re: Dear Dev´s

Might as well reset everything back to the beginning when the servers moved to Amsterdam.  Everything is on even ground, then we can go from there.  Then everyone have something to do, mining/harvesting, noone is "dominating" the beta islands since the terminals are reset too.   Just make that one reset count, put the game on steam when everything is reset so new players dont feel like they are 4 years behind everyone else.  Should be almost like instant newbie action on the bat.

Re: Dear Dev´s


Remedy Inc. recruiting. Schliess dich uns an. Bewerbung und Guides unter:
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Re: Dear Dev´s

Unfortunately if they reset it all and gave lifetime boosts to the existing player base they would then have 0 income unless it gave them a new surge of players which is a gamble at best.

The boat for this action from a buisness model point of view has sailed once it went live on steam.

Re: Dear Dev´s

I want the one bot back that I lost in the last 6 months

DEV Zoom - "If you mean the NPC aggro, that's been like that for months already."

Re: Dear Dev´s

Ghorasia wrote:

Unfortunately if they reset it all and gave lifetime boosts to the existing player base they would then have 0 income unless it gave them a new surge of players which is a gamble at best.

The boat for this action from a business model point of view has sailed once it went live on steam.

Having and empty game is way worse than having people that you cant make money off of, but that play every day.  At least with the people playing you can sell them something new in a cash shop or something.  If nobody is playing new people will just leave once they get on as there is no one to play with.  Thats why I think a full wipe on gamma to help new people, but it must have a ad campaign to get people in.