Re: Sensor Strength
Your maths don't make sense. With four head slots I can shoot 50% of the time vs four head slots of ewar that can't shoot at all. Even under four ECM and four supressors I can shoot 25% of the time and your using two ewar mechs that can't shoot back.
if you are getting ECMed but 4 ecm's and suppressed by 4 suppressors that are equal to or more than your bots sensor strength you will never shoot ... get out and test it.
Yes when taking into consideration "FLEET" composition you can compensate for this with more EW vs EW. Balance is not bringing more ECM's to ECM the ECMers. Balance is employing a viable counter (Electronic counter counter measure) that is as effective as its pair.
Syndic, Lobo and others: there are viable counters when taking into account fleets this is already understood by many. This is not a nerf Ewar thread as i have already stated ... it about bringing more balance and options to players that choose not to put a suppressor and ECM on every bot they want to roam around with.
Their is more than one type of game play that does not revolve around group pvp. the current state or ECM and Suppression just needs to be looked at and balanced through other modules.
EW Tunings have an obvious and very serious drawback.
yes thers a problem ... solution ??????
try being constructive for a change . ...
where was the counters for ECM tuner and suppressor tuner?
we got a counter for the ENwar tuner with the reactor sealing.
weapon stabs / evasive mods
damage tunings / resistance plates / HP plates
read and think about the future of the game and stop knee jerking your responses
Euripides ~ Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head.
Bertrand Russell ~ War does not determine who is right - only who is left.