62 Multifactionalism ftw!

by Jita ( Pages 1 2 )

63 Old Player

by Myranda

65 Next status report

by Celebro

67 60 Day wallet rollback

by Gunner

69 Vangard. Ranges.

by Perpetuum

71 New Player Experience.

by Ville ( Pages 1 2 )

74 Sequer Builds?

by shygye

75 Sequer.nl - tools and info for Pepetuum

by Doek ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

76 The great Perpetuum economic crash

by Jita ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )

77 Hello, old player

by Zordok

80 thinking about returning

by Hellsoutcast777

81 Stationary Teleports

by DeathPaw ( Pages 1 2 )

82 Missions in team!!!

by Inda

83 Happy new year perpetuum!

by BeastmodeGuNs

85 Merry Christmas to all

by MoBIoS

86 Ideas

by Inda

88 Please extend the sale

by Naismith ( Pages 1 2 3 4 )